Name: Aulbath (aka in the US) Rikuo
Birthdate : 1953
Race : Merman
Birthplace: Brazil
"Deep beneath the Amazon lied the kingdom of the mermen. One day, the peaceful stillness of this aquatic empire was shattered by a tremendous earthquake, destroying the entire empire. The merman emperor, Rikuo, was left alone, washed up on the beach of the great river. As soon as he came to, he sensed that an evil presence had entered Earth's atmosphere, causing the earthquake. To search for the source of this evil power, Rikuo takes his first steps toward an unknown world... the shore."
After finding another of his kind, his new family made the massive ocean their home. However, one day Alba (or Rikki), the only son of Rikou disapeared. Rikuo desperately searched for him, and instead, found a dark void hidden in the waters.
"Alba must be there... I'll come get you, Alba!"
Sensing evil, Rikuo immediately ventures into the unknown space to save his son...
Rikuo is able to air counter with annoying accuracy, which the CPU in Nightwarriors abuses whole-heartedly. He and Morrigan are very effective against opponents who are constantly leaping all over the place. However, the CPU in Vampire Savior seems a little more merciful.