Issue #30
February 3rd, 2008
by B.F.Bankie
The Traditional enemy always came via Egypt, whether they were Arab, British or Othoman..
A point has now been reached in the struggle in Sudan that the rule of Sudan by the Africans is in view and will certainly be achieved in the short or long term. It is said that a period of 50 years will be acquired to attain that objective, which is probably preconditioned on the South assisting the other marginalized areas/groups achieve the acquisition of federal status in a New Sudan.All this was the vision of the late John Garang.
Darfur has been specifically targeted by the Islamists of Arabia. Their wish and objective is to evacuate the current residents ( eg the Fur and others ) of Jibril Mara (Jibril Mountain ) in Darfur , so that the area be used as a staging post/garrison/military installation/launching pad for moves westward into the Sahel, into areas such as Mali.
This would explain the genocide/demographic cleansing projects of the Mujahadeen /Khartoum government and the resettlement of Touareg and other Arabised West Africans in Darfur, so thar these people ( the Touareg ) are able to secure the Jibril Mara as a future staging post for the future consolidation of Islam in the borderlands
There is the matter of the tacit complicity of Muslims in general about the Arabist schemes in Africa. This come about due to the unspoken solidarity between co-religionists. From observation all Muslims have some level of conciousness about Islamic expansionists schemes in Africa. These are not secret. Although many oppose the use of violence, they find it difficult to come out publicaly to oppose these schemes. They prefer to remain quiet. Very few Muslims come out to publicaly to condemn Arab expansion in Africa.
After majority rule in Sudan, what next?. Are the ‘lost’ lands on the Mediteranean to be recovered and if so how ? These concerns are best answered by the pursuit of human rights and the dissemination of the true history of places such as the Nile Delta and North Africa.
These truths are firmly surpressed at the moment, so that in schools in North Africa children are lead to believe that the first civilization to exist in the area was Arab. The African origins of civilization are largely unknown in North African.
The coming enlightenment on this issues in North Africa is likely to have profound effect.
