Issue #16
April 21st 2006

by Steven Golding

As members of the Universal Negro Improvement Association & African Communities League we need to consider many things at this time. We need to consider the legacy of our founder; we need to consider the vision of our mothers and fathers; and we need to consider the future of our great association.

Our esteemed founder, Dr. Marcus Mosiah Garvey, was many things, a journalist and philosopher, a doctor of civil laws, a preacher and a teacher, a captain of industry, a general and a soldier, a statesman and a leader, a revolutionary who’s spirit continues to shine light on the path of African Redemption more so than any other son of the race. Marcus Garvey was indeed a Mosiah to the race known since the ancient of days as the Ethiopians.

He was a deeply spiritual man, and a leader who would lead us into the lion’s den as long as he knew that our loins were girded in righteousness! In fact he was born under the sign of the lion and with the same birth date as Emperor Menelik II who the world came to know as the conquering lion of Judah when he led Ethiopia to victory against the invading Italians, the only African nation to successfully thwart European colonialism on their part of the continent!

With this inspiration Garvey launched a program to unite Africans globally into one grand racial hierarchy with the purpose of founding an Empire on the continent of Africa that would ensure the protection, rights and respect of the Negro race regardless of where they may be in the world.

Thus our organization was born and christened the Universal Negro Improvement Association & African Communities (Imperial) League- UNIA & ACL. The term “Imperial” later became silent so as not to prematurely provoke the wrath of the western colonial powers of the day.

I make mention of this because too often the lessons of Dr. Garvey and the ideals of Garveyism are whitewashed, and water downed, pacified, polluted, and pasteurized! I say pasteurized because pastorization is a process of halting fermentation so that a substance does not become stronger and more potent! Well I expound the philosophy of Garvey that is unpasteurized and believe me there are other Tigers who will spit it just as raw as I do; and I’m not jus talking about the young tigers because we have some old Tigers too, and their claws are still sharp.

There are some among our race and others who still fear Garveyism even in this day. We need to understand why in the 20s and 30s the likes of France, Britain and the United States had to protect the colonies from the the tsunami that was Marcus Garvey and the UNIA! It would have done them no good, to have a "madman" like Marcus Garvey telling black people across the Diaspora that Africa was their birthright; that their unification was the key to their salvation and that organization was the only weapon the enemy would never let them have.

Even today, our children are armed with weapons of mass destruction yet they have never armed themselves with the one weapon that would vanquish their enemies and restore their birthright to them in a world that bows only to the rule of “might is right!”

Still Garvey cries out, “THE GREATEST WEAPON USED AGAINST THE NEGRO IS DISORGANIZATION” I am not advising you to arm now with the things they have, I am asking you to arm through organization; arm through preparedness…

80 years ago the powers of the world were not prepared for the philosophy of Marcus Garvey because it threatened to upset the balance of world power. And when I say balance I mean they had all the power and we got the balance which is equivalent to a bounced cheque! And so they devised a way to do away with this man Garvey! How dare he even think that Africans in the West should wake up and embrace without hesitation their African legacy and look to their Motherland for the birth of a new Empire? How dare he suggest that Africans on the continent seek out their sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers in the west breaking down geographical boundaries and casting aside nationalistic divisions to embrace a universal racial identity, that of AFRICANS at home and abroad! This man Garvey was just impossible to believe that he could link up the millions of Negroes in America with the millions in the West Indies, and in Latin America, with the millions in Africa for the purpose of Empire- economically, socially, politically, and culturally.

Garvey founded a fraternal organization with a membership base of millions across the world and was organizing them into auxiliaries such as the Black Cross Society, the Black Starline Shipping Corporation, the Universal African Legions, the African Motor Corps, the Negro Factories Corporation and the African Communities League. And the glue or cement that held his legions of converts in place was loyalty to race!

It seems hard to believe, especially when we look at the state of the Negro race today. In fact the handbook of white supremacy and world domination says this is exactly what must be avoided at all cost. You can’t let the Negroes of the Americas link up with the Negroes of Africa. Furthermore, you can’t allow a charismatic leader to arise among them who may think of inspiring them to unite. Never allow a disciplined organization to evolve out of them and if it does, try to destabilize the continuity and long term growth of such an organization. Should you fail in this then you must neutralize their militaristic capabilities or get the hell out of Africa!

Marcus Garvey challenged the very core of their system and moved to dismantle their mechanisms of oppression such as the rule of divide and conquer, under which the Negro race had suffered so long. He said, “If we must have justice, we must be strong; if we must be strong, we must come together; if we must come together, we can only do so through the system of organization!” THIS IS GARVEYISM, THE LEGACY OF DR. MARCUS GARVEY! This is why he has been the most successful revolutionary for the cause of the African Redemption to date! Because he identified the problem that plagued the race acutely, diagnosed it accurately and prescribed the aggressive treatment needed to cure it!

And so for this they martyred our founder! When they weren’t locking him up on false charges they were plotting and attempting assassinations or engaging in strategies of frustration with frivolous legal suits which weighed down Mr. Garvey physically and financially. Eventually his health gave way and the stress overcame his physical body.

I’m a little fed up with folk who go around misinterpreting or misunderstanding Garveyism especially those who belittle Garveyism as merely racial pride! It does us no good to be proud of our color and proud of our race if we still refuse to get the race organized and channel that love of our color into a disciplined and concerted action to restore the glory of our ancient motherland! This is obvious because we have a lot of successful members of the race who today are proud of their racial features, matter of fact their racial features may have been the key to their success. I mean who else but a Negress can get paid millions of dollars for saying they are "bootylicious"?!

I am glad to be born into a time when its not so bad to be black, but where has our pride in our color brought about the redemption of Africa? If this racial pride is not developed and channeled into an Imperial urgency to rebuild and restore that which belonged to our fathers, that which was stolen from us then as far as Dr. Garvey is concerned, we have not taken our medication!

The legacy of Marcus Garvey is not the lip service paid to blackness, Garvey was not concerned with being back he was not concerned with the color of skin! His objective was racial unification; his concern was with the Negro Race! His legacy is the doctrine of African Fundamentalism which states, “Never forget your GOD! Remember we live work and pray for the establishment of a great and binding racial hierarchy, the founding of a racial Empire who’s only natural, spiritual and political limits shall be God and “Africa, at home and abroad.”



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