The Little Company that Could!
Anne Colee
Robert Colee has been involved with Hitachi PBX telephones since 1984, when he joined Hitachi Telecom. In 1990, he and his wife, Anne, formed their own Hitachi repair and sales center, Global Communications Group. Global is still supporting the Hitachi products, today, though it has broadened the scope of its functions, over the years.
(2k) 10/05/2004
Hitachi DX series PABX telephone systems:
Hitachi DX series PABX telephone* Hitachi DX ATTIFE * Hitachi DX ATTIFF * Hitachi DX 4CFTA * Hitachi DX 4COBWTB * Hitachi DX 4MFTIFE * Hitachi DX 4MFTIFF * Hitachi DX 4PBRAB * Hitachi DX 4PBRC * Hitachi DX 4SRBWTA * Hitachi DX 8LIFC * Hitachi DX 8LIFE * Hitachi DX 8LIFG * Hitachi DX 8MFTIFA * Hitachi DX series PABX telephone power supplies, POW-A, POW-B, POW-C, POW-D and 48 Volt Rectifiers MWU-A,B,C* VDU 955 Televideo 955 Setup for Hitachi Pabx Telephone* Hitachi DX CPH * Hitachi DX FDCB * Hitachi DX MAB * Hitachi DX MAC * Hitachi DX MCAB* Hitachi DX MCBB * Hitachi DX MICEA * Hitachi DX MISCD *Hitachi DX MTMB * Hitachi DX MWUE *Hitachi DX PBSA * Hitachi DX PGTA *Hitachi DX SCA * Hitachi DX SRDAB * Hitachi DX SSWA * Hitachi DX TNTE* Hitachi DX 955 VDU *Hitachi DX 955 VDU 2
Hitachi EX10 PABX/PBX Telephone System parts for sale! (26k) 06/16/2004
Hitachi HCX Series PABX Telephone parts for Sale! (15k) 10/05/2004
Hitachi HD200 PABX Telephone parts for sale! (3k) 06/05/2004
Hitachi HD200 PABX Telephone Repair List (3k)
Telephone PBX PABX Interconnects Dealers and Manufactures
(9k) 02/10/2004
(3k) 12/11/2003
Historical Page of "Global Communicator" online newspaper 1996 Olympics Edition
(5k) 12/11/2003
(10k) 08/31/2002
(3k) 07/14/2004
Historical "Global Home Page 1996-2000 (7k) 12/11/2003
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
A Magna Carta for all humanity
(12k) 12/19/2003
(6k) 12/21/2002 (38k) 08/27/2003
Historical Home Page 2002-2004 Global Communications (40k) 11/22/2004
(3k) 12/11/2003
(5k) 12/21/2002 (16k) 08/30/2004
Evidentiary Sources July 12, 2004
Supporting evidence for the Mantis Man photo I sent to the Exopolitics Course
(23k) 07/12/2004
(19k) 08/29/2004
GLOBAL PROJECTS - Property Inspection Sheet
(35k) 02/07/2004
Want to make REAL money on the web ?
(7k) 11/03/2002
(3k) 06/16/2002
Atomic Biological and Chemical Warfare Home Defense!
(56k) 10/05/2003
About us - Global Communications Group
(10k) 07/31/2004
Aircraft Type, I have flown, supported or brokered to date.
(6k) 06/16/2002 (9k) 11/06/2002
(57k) 07/11/2004 (8k) 12/23/2002 (6k) 11/23/2003 (2k) 06/16/2002 (10k) 11/24/2003 (4k) 05/18/2003
Automotive survival far from civilization.
(3k) 06/16/2002 (40k) 04/07/2003 (1k) 05/18/2003
(52k) 08/30/2002
Retail & Bar Code Systems General Glossary
(12k) 05/18/2003
(7k) 06/02/2003 (54k) 06/16/2002
10,500 B.C. I am in my royal yacht, we have just arrived in a parking orbit between Mars and Jupiter
(11k) 10/12/2003 (8k) 05/25/2002 (7k) 08/31/2002
Road Racing, Bridgestone Motorcycles.
(31k) 05/25/2003
Business Plan Sept 7, 2001 Global Internet Cafe (36k) 02/08/2004
Real Estate Investor/Developer
(1k) 02/10/2004 (26k) 06/10/2002
(25k) 11/25/2002 (19k) 05/18/2003
(58k) 09/16/2001
(19k) 07/23/2004
Supersonic Transport Aircraft built as a prototype by Great Britain in the race to build the Concord
(2k) 09/25/2001 (11k) 12/05/2001
(55k) 05/25/2003
Get the Word out using this e-mai list. l (124k) 06/18/2002
(3k) 07/06/2004 (24k) 08/30/2004
Global was founded in 1990. Since then it has had a number of varying applications and locations.
(14k) 06/08/2004
(2k) 12/02/2002
To format the Seagate st225 mor st251 for the Hitachi 30 PABX telephone you use CP/M
(46k) 11/08/2003
(4k) 08/06/2003
Global's Customer base 1990-1998 (23k) 07/19/2003
(79k) 05/18/2003
(4k) 05/03/2002 (8k) 12/02/2001
Registration of your domain name for your website.
(3k) 07/03/2004 (17k) 06/16/2002
(4k) 04/14/2004 (2k) 05/31/2003
Trying to find the Garden of Eden
(3k) 03/31/2001 (2k) 11/13/2001
Global Communications Group employee handbook. (3k) 09/16/2003 (52k) 11/24/2001
Majestic 12 Mind Control Project
(22k) 01/08/2004 (11k) 06/21/2002
F-100-F Super Sabre Fighter Bomber U.S.A.F. 1968 Turkey 401 Fighter Squadron
(62k) 05/16/2004 (20k) 04/29/2003 (16k) 01/21/2003 (29k) 12/05/2002 (5k) 03/31/2001 (2k) 06/03/2002
(26k) 03/31/2001
Internet Cafe Links for E-commerce!
(3k) 11/06/2001
The Internet and FTP
by Tim McLellan (20k) 06/15/2002 (74k) 02/23/2004 .
(5k) 07/15/2001
The Global Communicator
Planetary Communications
News Channel!
(26k) 11/16/2001
(2k) 01/20/2003
Global Communications Group Inc. Employee Handbook
(46k) 03/01/2001
(2k) 09/25/2004
How to survive a heart attack when when alone
(3k) 03/19/2001
"The Holograpic Universe" by Michael Talbot
(16k) 05/29/2002
The Story of the Hypnotic Writing Monkey
by Joe Vitale
(46k) 11/14/2001 (7k) 10/05/2004 (31k) 07/04/2001
I guess we were invaded that night
(7k) 07/11/2004
Starship "Elisar" and the "Phoenix 1" Project (6k) 06/09/2004 (8k) 12/24/2001 (32k) 06/16/2002
(66k) 01/15/2004
(9k) 04/04/2003
(5k) 07/20/2004 (4k) 05/16/2004 (11k) 06/15/2004 (30k) 03/01/2001 (4k) 07/11/2004
Global Communications Group's timeline for Mars Colony.
(21k) 11/02/2001
SCHEDULE OF MISSIONS TO MARS as presented 96 Olympics A.T.& T. pavilion
(15k) 07/13/2004
2030 A.D. May 14. Mars! Well Dr. Britt I finally
made it.
(9k) 02/28/2001
Messages From Archangel Michael LM-11-2001 - Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
(62k) 11/11/2001 (76k) 06/16/2002
Power Positioning, or less is more.
(10k) 03/02/2001
Free Money for Entrepreneurs on the Internet
(28k) 08/08/2003
My Favorite Links for the Montauk Military Time Experiments
(17k) 09/23/2002 (27k) 12/05/2002 (8k) 02/28/2001
(9k) 04/18/2003 (4k) 04/05/2001
(Exopolitics-Sum-04 Taught by Dr. Michael Salla .
Robert R. Colee .
2.38 M bmp file (Original photo scanned using a cellophane carrier through a Lexmark X125 scanner feeding USB to a Compaq 500Mhz Pressario computer running Windows XP Home Edition.)
E.T. Picture?
100 Items to Disappear First in A Panic
By Joseph Almond
Florida Grand Prix Race Circuit 1970-1974
Robert Colee
Phone 770-965-3444
Repairs, renovations, light construction, garage doors, mobile welding, loading dock, hand rail. gate, rollingsteel, sheet,light hauling, painting, fence, plumbing, tree, decks, gutter, soffit, facia, chain saw, miter, dry wall repair, roof, Signs, Banners, electrical, wiring, ceiling fan, lights, appliance, telephone, alternate energy, generator, mechanical, electronic, computer, websites, consulting, training, real estate investors.
All estimates based upon $65.00 per hour plus parts. One hour min. Travel time billed if over 50 miles from 7216 Williams Rd. Flowery Branch Ga 30542
homes, apartments, retail stores, motels, hotels, marine, aerospace, industrial, real estate, telecommunications .
I was serving my country that night in a foreign land. Armed with my camera, I was doing another lonely tour on our flight line. Determined to capture a picture of the Braniff airliner as it landed with more tired troops, I was suddenly alerted to an aircraft approaching. Thinking I was seeing my targets landing lights, I was amazed because there were so many. I counted them, thirteen, never did even our pilots fly in that tight a formation in a landing approach. Suddenly I realized that the were not jet liners or fighters or tankers or bombers