What do you do when you find an Android copy
of yourself on the lawn of your home? Sure it's your job working for Global Robotics, but Sunday!

Call "Ghostbusters?

Talk to CSI?

Mouth to mouth and full cranial inspection.

Thanks Nicki Jackson for the help in modeling. lol Robert Global Robotics 11/18/2007

The Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Animation

Sumo Robot is ready for action.
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Our Nicki2a Theatrical Android dressed in Stargate SG1 costume, just returned from the Louisville Military ball.

Global Robotics Home

Theatrical Android early stage modeling.

Theatrical Android Nicki 2 (N2) finished.

Perhaps you need virtual customers?

Other Androids.

How a Beowulf "Global Supercomputer works.

Vision of the Future.

Artificial Life.

Bio-medical uses for robotics.

Quantum Supercomputer, the future Android Positronic Brain.

Build your robot lab, or science fiction set, buy one of our oscilloscopes.

Quantum Stuff.

A robot drives my spacecraft.

I ask my Android about the emotions relating to love.

Getting into a robotic view of the world.

For more information on buying or renting theatrical Androids call Robert Colee 678-887-2216.

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Email: bobcolee@yahoo.com