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Midnight in Palatka

Debbie an I were sitting on my Chevrolet Corvair one night, in 1965, and we saw thirteen orange lights moving in the western sky above the adjacent mobile home park. The time was late night but before 12P.M. The objects moved in fluttering and right angle patterns and were visable for longer than she could stay out, as it was almost her curfew. I watched them until 3A.M. and stopped when the newspaper delivery man came. I asked him if he had seen any thing and was assured that he did not.

Aerospace...Mastered various facets of quality control, research and development, pilotage, electrical, mechanical and avionics. Oversaw and directed projects such as: research and development of YF-22 aircraft HUD control box SMT manufacture procedures, various bids in conjunction with U.S.A.F. Warner Robins AFB Defense Logistics Command, brokerage of Russian air craft and space craft, defense conversion recommendations for the operation of Russian IL-76 aircraft to operate in U.S.and other International airspace. Support of avionics equipment for use in museum aircraft. Access to N.A.S.A. and D.O.D. data bases and technical support. Co-ordinated with many U.S. and foreign government agencies to allow use of Russian aircraft in U.S. civil airspace

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Air Force Association American Air Museum of Britain American Radio Relay League Civil Air Patrol Ham Radio Operator K4NKD since 1960 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Who's Who of Professionals National Space Society Over 40 years of electronic experience Planetary Society Who's Who in U.S.Executives

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