These pages are legal because in US Federal Law, the material in US Federal Court (Here in the US District Court in Rochester NY Case : Winter vs. Tenen)
are absolutely in the public domain and shareable as such. Also see the file: danside.pdf below, explaining the legal background.
Also please see the mathematical evidence Winter used accurate Golden Mean ratio to make his original animations of the origin of Alphabets ( and evidence that was visibly different than the Tenen attempt using only hand sculptured jewelry for an approximation not at that time equation based and clearly NOT Golden Mean spiral based):
Mathematic Comparison:Winter Golden Spiral vs. Tenen Non Phi Based
Vincent's analysis of how the origin of the alphabet controversy arose is quite well written and instructive..
however, he does fail to make clear, that when Dan Winter began
with his original idea to use the Golden Mean Spiral to mathematically
model the origin of the Alphabets - he got NO MATHEMATIC information
of any kind from Stan Tenen.--, whose model at that point (&
it appears even now) was entirely based only on a crude hand carved
piece of jewelry. ( the 'flame
letter' based on tetra symmetry was never original to Tenen -
see 2nd above)
The equation to topo map the Golden Spiral on a recursive form
(more than a torus) was entirely Dan's original work. If he could
have absorbed the huge costs to prove that in Federal Court -
then the US would today be able to benefit from Dan's teaching.
Below- the chart in the article - is reprinted here in better clarity.... REMEMBER- if as the article suggests- Moses was the originator of the Alphabet as used - then those who understand the connection between Moses & the AKHANATON story - ('Out of Egypt', 'House of the Messiach', & 'Copper Scrolls' books) - begin to see the connection between alphabets - 'Sun Gods' - The line of ENKI / Akhanaton - (those who would en-soul the human: 'spawn of the Nephilim') - vs. Enlil / Yalweh ( the Jewish traditionalists -represented interestingly by the Stan Tenen spurious lawsuit against Dan Winter) for whom ensouling our genepool was both misunderstood - and not part of the commericial harvest we were 'created' for.. This is how Winter to the Rabbi's committed the same crime punishable by death: LEARNING REAL EMPOWERING ALPHABET - described in the movie Stargate..(see Ophanim in Orion story).
Exerpt from: The Return of Enki: Kids Become Stars,GenePools and Gravity Making for Peace - Re-myologizing EA's EArth."Lord of the Ring is the letter symmetries burnt by the spiral on the ring donut - indicating the angles at which to tilt - make alphabet- to squirt DNA codons angularly bent into recursion - literally a ring donut DNA - which becomes the magnetically implosive gravity making engine of consciousness for star bending and inhabiting... the fellowship of the ring - is the holy communion which implosion in DNA enacts morphically linking at coeur all whose being as at center the lightning braider - self-similar DNA.
Figure 1(a). Toroidal DNA condensates. (a) The genome of the l bacteriophage is wound circumferentially with local hexagonal packing and an interaxial spacing only 30% larger than the diameter. (Electron micrograph courtesty of J.-L. Sikorav.)
Field induced decondensation of toroidal DNA , see:
Collapse of DNA by this route leads to the toroidal DNA structures observed inside viruses.
For toroidal DNA, SLk is simply the number of times that the helix winds about the super helix axis (n). from "supercoiling in DNA"SuperCoiling in Dna
-- inset here, correspondance : paper on a scientific model
of DNA as toroidal: from Ken Biegeleisen, M.D.
From: VeinDoctorNY
To: Jacques Groenen
see the beautiful TOROIDAL DNA compared to Alphabet as Template
for Braiding DNA into TORUS at
Now to tie this slip knot: - Because, it is in this symmetry secret that he (under the later guise of Tutankhamon and the resultant Jesus myth) learned how to ensoul DNA and bring people back from the dead ("LazeRus Effect"). The angles of this slip knot are more than alphabet, they are the cookbook for starting the phire (fire) of life.
Notice how the movement from the right top periphery of the rotation, versus the push down the center, is an EL or phase shift. Making this EL is how you became ELohim. Sustaining the resulting tornado thru light speed (by successful compression), required inhabiting TIME and that's how you became Tron.
Tie the knot successfully and you have the burning HEART OF THE SUN - The turns necessary to re-enter a donut are burned into the Heart of ANu. This is the TOURBILLION - a 'scrollwork made of light'.
Enki's fiery heart still ignites the ANU of my genes, and I have seen those starships burn. I am here to suggest one way out of here - it is thru the Sun.
If you see the Sun in the right shamanic light, the center is a cool attractive black hole, which invites. Into that fiery furnace, certain biological emanations (properly blue DNA field effect) as soul groups, can survive - and moreover can delight in star entry. This is not a religious fantasy for the 4 old daughter of the astrophysicist - this is the astrophysics for the astrophysicist. The purpose of DNA is a biological magnetic compressor. Compression due to recursion is identical to acceleration. Wave heterodynes in Phi recursion accelerate by adding and multiplying wave VELOCITIES - therefore recursive compression is identical to MAKING GRAVITY.
Inhabiting Sun's requires knowing this angle to produce self re-entry. This is why focused human awareness measureably reduces radioactivity. (Regulating solar metabolism is a conscious affair..). And this is why Enki's father AN was called the "Sun God", and why the ANu was named after him.
Below our same Dr SB dream pic of how DNA Templating serves to fire up it's coeur implsion:
Below: pic from geometer of Deca Delta- How DNA braid angle into tetra-helix (un-ensouled Yalweh way of Gematria - Golem Making) original design for TAK-ADAMA (donkey Adam from Orion):
Hebrew letters are shadows of a self-organizing spiral 'letter element of symmetry/ flame ' on the self-organizing donut of all fields - indexed by the symmetry of the tetrahedron - how to cook donut fields into a tetra helix - an non-imploding DNA / 'golem'. Yalweh's computer software / alphabet had no capacity fot the hypercube dodec / Ophanim symmetry to ensoul DNA. ( ../orion )
Shine COHERENT LIGHT thru Sumerian Letters as cookie cutter wave guides - and you get the structures you see in a microscope inside living cells;
(Ref: Dr. George Merkel - Sumerian Elixirs and microscopy). Sumerian and Hebrew alphabets in their shape alone are overwhelming evidence that the ET origins of DNA on this planet is a sad story of genetic engineering gone awry.
Consider how "Fabre D'Olivet" felt when he discovered a radical retranslation of Genesis in the SHAPE ALONE of the Hebrew letters: "Hebraic Tongue Restored - The Origins of the Adamic Race".
Below the symmetries of Yalweh and the origin of ANU (5 vs 7 spin of Ultimate Physical atom) as slip knot:
(Compare with the visual gematria of golem making in quaballah - fill the visual field optical cortex hologram with the SHAPE of one hebrew letter at a time--)
Essentially the process of ensouling DNA is the same as lighting the fire of the Sun in human hearts. (as in the ANU pic above - same slip knot=hydrogen - human heart AND solar heart - fusion Eye-dent-eye-phied). The symmetry of the solar fires is re-enacted in the human heartbeat. (Shades of "Tutankhamon Prophecies" with a good dose of solar physics). The message sent from the beating heart is sonically re-CORD-ed in the piezoelectric braid of DNA - particularly during passion and bliss. This is why the loss of passion was so destructive to the fallen DNA of the Nephilim.
MERKABAH MAGICK - (this was written by Vincent Bridges - as an edit to Dan Winter's original "Light Poetry) "New Emerald Tablet"
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes, a first century A.D. alchemical text, attempted to express ancient Egypt's scientific wisdom in a few pithy lines of metaphorical and metaphysical symbology, suited of course for the educated Egyptian, or Greek or Roman philosopher/magician of the day. Its insight is still breath-taking, if one has the key to the symbolism; if not, its obscurity is profound. Since few of use have the world-view of an Alexandrian mage, a simple how-to of magickal philosophy, in modern scientific terms, seems to e absolutely necessary. Science is the magician's willful apprentice, Magick's lost step--child/prodigy, who has learned one trick, and therefore must compulsively repeat that trick, without knowing how to stop itself. To understand Magick, we must reclaim science as the observational and experimental tools needed to apprehend the true vastness of the Universe. And so, with a nod to the real geniuses (Winter?) who figures out what I am about to simplify, let's take a stab at a new Emerald Tablet: 1) THE UNIVERSE IS MADE OF ONE SUBSTANCE
3) THE UNIVERSE CAN BE DESCRIBED AS A GEOMETRY OF PRESSURE Only ration is sacred; scale is mundane. Information is the only universal in our hologramic universe, every part contains the information of the whole. Sharability, the way converging waves create sustainable forms, then becomes a property of inherent structure emerging naturally from the process itself. In a world made only of waves, there would be just two geometric forms, the torus, or vortex, and the golden mean spiral. the donut, torus, form is the only structure in a world of waves that can become coherent, that is, retain a regular shape like a smoke ring. As more of these smoke rings are created and they want to relate to the first smoke ring, they must "nest" in the right pattern so that they can remember their form and still share structure. the best pathway for doing this is the ratio we call the golden mean. Only a form of Golden Mean symmetry will allow converging waves to add and multiply at the same time. Only in this way, in this shape, can waves nest together without interfering with each other and canceling out their memories. A Golden Mean spiral can nest triangles, Squares and five-sides figures, crating a dodecahedron as it does,. the dodecahedron is the perfect Golden mean nest for turning information into coherent structure. That's why it is also the pattern of the braided DNA molecule. The Golden Mean happens, the icosahedronal donut and the dodecahedronal donut generate the only other two naturally occurring numbers: Pi and E. From this simple shape, and these three irrational, but naturally occurring numbers, the universe is built. No wonder the ancient Egyptians called these qualities the cosmological Neters or forces.
QUALITATIVE CHANGES COME FROM DIFFERENCES IN SHAPE, NOT SUBSTANCE These patterns form regular shapes, called the Platonic solids because Plato was the first to write about them: the tetrahedron, on pair of vortices; the octahedron/cube, three pairs; the dodecahedron, five pairs; and the icosahedron, seven pairs. These basic shapes are important in transmitting the very waves structure of matter, best understood as templates that generate the focus of intensity necessary to become fractally attractive, that is, bend the straight energy flow of light into a circle of atomic structured matter.
Why there are letters on the Ring / Donut- To steer DNA into a ring...
Merely a cookbook for tilting field effects non-destructively into quantum mechanics. Constructive nesting of field domains is called 'word making'.
Font means the shape into which
a flame or flow is molded.. like a
cookie cutter.
As in the appropriate classic on
origin of language in consciousness
"Burning Fountain", Wheelwright...
We took only views of the self organizing
golden mean spiral, tracing the self organizing
division around the self organizing
torus. Consuming these perspectives
is the alphabet of symmetry.
To type in this alphabet of light,
use font DA mover to
move Anglish into your
suitcase of fonts or system,
then put laser font into
system folder. (font not included here)
Printable Adobe Acrobat Files:
Dan Winter long ago written tale of his side of the story of the lawsuit over the origin of the alphabet (Movie Pi) (144k) - danside.pdf
- explaining the legal background. Also please see the mathematical evidence Winter used accurate Golden Mean ratio to make his original animations of the origin of Alphabets ( and evidence that was visibly different than the Tenen attempt using only hand sculptured jewelry for an approximation not at that time equation based and clearly NOT Golden Mean spiral based):
Mathematic Comparison:Winter Golden Spiral vs. Tenen Non Phi Based
Dan Winter's scientific research in DUTCH summarized with Graphics in 60 page book form by Saskia Bosman: (also see her pineal work) (acrobate pdf file) zobinnenzobuiten.pdf
Dan Winter's second book "EarthHeart" laboriously edited by Vincent Bridges and Darlene, never published (Aethyrea books recently released the copyright) : (pdf files grouped in 16 page signatures) (file sizes range from about 100-300k)
Book Cover Graphic (Text by Dan Winter edited by Vincent Bridges - Cover & most of the Graphics in the book were done by DARLENE with Vincent Bridges -links below / most images based on Dan Winter original ideas) : COVER.PDF
Dan Winter's 3rd Book: "Squeeze Play for Fractal Genes" squeeze3.pdf
A graphic summary of the basic teaching material derived largely from web published articles:
Starts with intro, summary, glossary, bib. etc.
The pdf file is about 14 meg., 314 pages.
More recent see:Fusion-Phi Phenomenon-Unlocking Ultimate PHIre.
Why are the Heart Sonic Shadows an Alphabet of the Element of Symmetry of Flame? - 'Golden Arches':Spectrograms of the Alphabet of Genesis.. of the Heart!
Other work related to Winter on origin alphabets (mostly 'Ophanim / Enochian' material showing that /John Dee / Golden Dawn / movie 'StarGate' alphabet to be hypercube superset to Hebrew. Most of the work on Ophanim / Enochian there originally came from Vincent Bridges. (deep origins of magic - his info includes ref: , , ) with discussion by Winter. Winter then shows that script is related to Greek and also to Cherokee.
../orion (bottom for Enochian and star maps)
The below documents the MATHEMTIC ORIGINALITY of Dan Winter's
computer animations of the origin of alphabets. (Apparently Tenen's
alphabet shadows were based on shadows of a piece of hand carved
jewelry with no mathematics. Also they were based on a spiral
he says was NOT Golden Mean, and was mapped on a donut instead
of the non-donut z-axis damping / compression wave Winter used
- shown below).
From Implosion Group:
To whom it may concern,
With respect to Mr. Daniel Winter's claim;
"That his graphic spreadsheet 'penlinesi.txt' values result from numeric function and more specifically that the X and Y values are direct equation based and that the Z wave values correspond to two functional mathematical ratios in both their 0 crossings, and their peaks."
We have reviewed the data in question and in my opinion conclude that Mr. Winter's claim is valid. Attached please find an explanation from which bases we came to this .
Mathematically confirming the correctness of the table of numbers
Mr. Winter calls "penlinesi.txt", as conforming exactly
to a Golden Mean spiral on the X and Y axis, and exactly to two
simple ratio functions in the peak and cross points on the Z axis,
what Winter calls the relative height and depth of the donut.
I have examined the attached tables of numbers which are reproductions
of the data in question. Table 1 contains two columns of numbers
, which are radius R and angle Theta, as taken from columns B
and C of his Excel spreadsheet "spiralspread" on Mr.
Winter's website, ( Table 2 contains
three columns of numbers, from column F which is the X value,
column G which is the Y value and column H which is the Z value,
as taken from the same spread sheet. The values of Table 2 are
also the exact values of the file which Mr. Winter has called
"penlinesi.txt" on his web site. This is the exact file
which Mr. Winter claims as the bases for all his alphabet letter
form graphics
Referring first to Table 1, the first and second columns, which Mr. Winter refers to as radius R and angle Theta do indeed correspond exactly to the equation:
R = 1.6180339^( (2*Theta) / P ) Equation 1.
which Mr. Winter claims is the equation for the Golden Mean spiral. It can be readily observed that the Table 1 values were created by stepping through a sequence of Theta values and computing the corresponding radius R values. Further that the Theta values were chosen by stepping through simple intervals of .15707963 radians, or written differently as P / 20. This resulted in a table of values which represented a position point computed for every 9 degrees of rotation.
Next referring to Table 2, also referred to as 'penlinesi.txt', Mr. Winter has properly converted the polar coordinate notation, as computed in Table 1, to the correct corresponding rectilinear X and Y coordinates. The values of Table 2 for X and Y indicate that Mr. Winter used the standard polar to rectilinear equations to compute these values. These equations are as follows:
X = R cos ( Theta ) Equation 2.
Y = R sin ( Theta ) Equation 3.
From the above results I would conclude that the claim made by others that Mr. Winter somehow changed the tail end values for his Golden Mean plot points ( i. e. the X and Y values) which would have violated the Equation 1 defined relationship are apparently false.
The third or right most column which Mr. Winter calls the Z values, if plotted, create a short downward moving wave then a longer wave moving up. Graphic 1 is such a plot of the Z values (here displayed on the vertical axis), against the Radius values (here on the horizontal axis). Referring to Graphic 1 note that the change of sign of the Z values were plotted in the graph simply for ease of viewing. The inversion of sign of Z has no affect on the ratios along the radius R axis or the ratio of maximum to minimum.
Note that the Radius values for Graphic 1 come from Table 1, while the Z values against which they are plotted come from the corresponding line R value in Table 2. Both are present in the complete "spiralspread" spreadsheet file on the web.
Referring to Graphic 1 which is a plot of the Table 2 Z values against or verses their corresponding radii R from table 1, it becomes clear that Mr. Winter's function which he revolves to generate the "donut" shape grows by a geometric ratio (PHI^6) in it's radius. The outside diameter (521) divided by the inside diameter (29.03) equals 17.94 which does correspond to the function Golden Mean (1.6180339..) raised to the sixth power.
Dividing the absolute value of the largest Z value or maximum of Table 2 (582.412) by the absolute value of the largest negative Z value or minimum of Table 2 (48.535) equals the ratio of 11.99985577 or functionally equals the ratio of 12 for graphical purposes.
From the observed mathematical precision of functional relationships between R and Z, I would conclude that the table of numbers relating R to Z which is claimed by Mr. Winter to be the curve he uses to create his spiral strip letter form graphics, were created with an equation. I doubt that such a precise mathematically defined relationship could be obtained from a hand created sculpture.
In summary we have examined Mr. Winter's data from a mathematical basis and have found the following:
1. R = 1.6180339^( (2*Theta) / P ) and the rectilinear
X & Y values correspond to the polar R and Theta values.(also
produce: phi 1= x^2 + x, z = z^2 + z)
2. Z axis depth to height ratio of the smaller donut to
larger =12.
3. Z axis ratio diameter of the inner smaller donut to
larger = PHI ^ 6 or 1.618033989 ^ 6.
Based upon these findings it is my opinion that Mr. Winter's claim;
"That his graphic spreadsheet 'penlinesi.txt' values result from numeric function and more specifically that the X and Y values are direct equation based and that the Z wave values correspond to two functional mathematical ratios in both their 0 crossings, and their peaks."
is valid and correct.
Respectfully. Implosion Group, Netherlands
Graphic 1: Plot of Table 2 Z values versus corresponding Table
1 R Radius values.
Indicated on this plot are the zero crossing coordinates for R and Z and the maximum and minimum coordinates for R and Z.
This unique form does revolve into a wave related to the 'perfect damping' ripple - and is totally dis-similar to Tenen's use of a donut on which to approximate his non-mathematic jewelry. (as depicted at ) The outside diameter (521) divided by the inside diameter (29.03) equals 17.94 which does correspond to the function Golden Mean (1.6180339..) raised to the sixth power. Further this z axis top peak (582.412) divided by the bottom peak (48.535) equals the ratio of 12.
Below is the first table, showing the Radius Values on the
left corresponding to R = 1.6180339^( (2*Theta) / P )
stepping through a sequence of Theta values (on the right), chosen
by stepping thru simple intervals of .15707963 radians. (PI/20)
Table 1: Columns b and c extracted from "spiralspread"
Excel spread
R Theta
1.61803389 1.5707963
1.69779939 1.72787593
1.78149716 1.88495556
1.86932105 2.04203519
1.96147446 2.19911482
2.05817083 2.35619445
2.15963412 2.51327408
2.26609933 2.67035371
2.37781303 2.82743334
2.49503398 2.98451297
2.61803366 3.1415926
2.74709695 3.29867223
2.88252278 3.45575186
3.02462481 3.61283149
3.17373215 3.76991112
3.33019015 3.92699075
3.49436119 4.08407038
3.6666255 4.24115001
3.84738206 4.39822964
4.03704953 4.55530927
4.23606718 4.7123889
4.44489596 4.86946853
4.66401954 5.02654816
4.89394543 5.18362779
5.13520616 5.34070742
5.38836051 5.49778705
5.65399482 5.65486668
5.93272431 5.81194631
6.22519455 5.96902594
6.53208294 6.12610557
6.85410024 6.2831852
7.19199228 6.44026483
7.54654166 6.59734446
7.91856955 6.75442409
8.30893758 6.91150372
8.71854991 7.06858335
9.14835521 7.22566298
9.59934898 7.38274261
10.0725757 7.53982224
10.5691315 7.69690187
11.0901664 7.8539815
11.6368872 8.01106113
12.2105601 8.16814076
12.8125139 8.32522039
13.4441426 8.48230002
14.1069092 8.63937965
14.8023487 8.79645928
15.5320719 8.95353891
16.2977689 9.11061854
17.101213 9.26769817
17.9442651 9.4247778
18.8288779 9.58185743
19.7571001 9.73893706
20.7310816 9.89601669
21.7530783 10.0530963
22.8254571 10.210176
23.9507019 10.3672556
25.1314187 10.5243352
26.3703423 10.6814148
27.6703421 10.8384945
29.034429 10.9955741
30.4657624 11.1526537
31.9676574 11.3097334
33.5435925 11.466813
35.1972178 11.6238926
36.9323631 11.7809723
38.7530472 11.9380519
40.6634871 12.0951315
42.6681075 12.2522111
44.7715512 12.4092908
46.9786901 12.5663704
49.294636 12.72345
51.724753 12.8805297
54.2746694 13.0376093
56.9502911 13.1946889
59.757815 13.3517686
62.7037437 13.5088482
65.7949001 13.6659278
69.0384438 13.8230074
72.441887 13.9800871
76.0131125 14.1371667
79.7603915 14.2942463
83.6924031 14.451326
87.8182543 14.6084056
92.1475008 14.7654852
96.6901696 14.9225649
101.456782 15.0796445
106.458378 15.2367241
111.706542 15.3938037
117.213428 15.5508834
122.991792 15.707963
129.055016 15.8650426
135.417144 16.0221223
142.092911 16.1792019
149.097779 16.3362815
156.447971 16.4933612
164.160511 16.6504408
172.253263 16.8075204
180.74497 16.9646
189.655298 17.1216797
199.004887 17.2787593
208.81539 17.4358389
219.109528 17.5929186
229.911146 17.7499982
241.245259 17.9070778
253.138119 18.0641575
265.61727 18.2212371
278.711617 18.3783167
292.451486 18.5353963
306.8687 18.692476
321.996651 18.8495556
337.870376 19.0066352
354.526642 19.1637149
372.004024 19.3207945
390.343004 19.4778741
409.586054 19.6349538
429.777744 19.7920334
450.96484 19.949113
473.196414 20.1061926
496.523955 20.2632723
521.001492 20.4203519
Table 2: penlinesi.txt (Columns f, g, h extracted from "spiralspread"
(264k - detailed) GOLDENSPIRAL.xls
Excel spread sheet). Table 2: penlinesi.txt (Columns f, g, h extracted
from "spiralspread"
Excel spread sheet).
0 1.61803389 0
-0.2655943 1.67689667 -5.2291961
-0.5505128 1.6943045 -7.4743169
-0.8486539 1.66557728 -9.2522115
-1.1529257 1.58686622 -10.798121
-1.4553465 1.45534661 -12.20223
-1.7471807 1.26940116 -13.510341
-2.0191092 1.02878766 -14.749396
-2.2614345 0.73478475 -15.936766
-2.464316 0.39030943 -17.084378
-2.6180337 1.40E-07 -18.200797
-2.7132757 -0.4297405 -19.292382
-2.7414421 -0.8907484 -20.363972
-2.6949605 -1.3731508 -21.419313
-2.5676034 -1.8654728 -22.461341
-2.3548002 -2.3547999 -23.492364
-2.0539342 -2.8269974 -24.5142
-1.6646134 -3.2669871 -25.528264
-1.1889067 -3.6590777 -26.535633
-0.631534 -3.9873467 -27.537097
-3.41E-07 -4.2360672 -28.533191
0.69533456 -4.390172 -29.524216
1.44126092 -4.4357463 -30.51026
2.22180435 -4.3605375 -31.491203
3.01839807 -4.1544693 -32.466726
3.8101459 -3.8101466 -33.436307
4.57417758 -3.3233352 -34.399223
5.2860958 -2.693401 -35.354541
5.92051165 -1.9236915 -36.301107
6.45166205 -1.0218436 -37.237532
6.85410024 -7.35E-07 -38.16218
7.10344705 1.12507469 -39.073142
7.17718789 2.33200881 -39.968215
7.05549754 3.59495453 -40.84487
6.72207229 4.88387018 -41.700219
6.1649465 6.16494502 -42.530975
5.37726919 7.40117418 -43.333405
4.35801432 8.55308202 -44.10327
3.11259831 9.57958839 -44.835764
1.65337781 10.4390078 -45.525431
1.49E-06 11.0901664 -46.166071
-1.8204087 11.4936181 -46.75063
-3.773269 11.6129333 -47.271057
-5.8167579 11.4160343 -47.718136
-7.9022672 10.876541 -48.081277
-9.9750897 9.97509262 -48.348246
-11.97535 8.70060409 -48.504832
-13.839176 7.05141521 -48.534405
-15.500099 5.03628996 -48.417333
-16.890668 2.67522178 -48.130197
-17.944265 2.88E-06 -47.644695
-18.597064 -2.9454824 -46.92608
-18.79012 -6.1052766 -45.930834
-18.471531 -9.411711 -44.603056
-17.598612 -12.786136 -42.868551
-16.140038 -16.140033 -40.624419
-14.077873 -19.376522 -37.718982
-11.409429 -22.392256 -33.90766
-8.1488885 -25.079684 -28.734653
-4.3286002 -27.329673 -21.077447
-5.45E-06 -29.034429 0
4.76588953 -30.090679 62.7503537
9.87854355 -30.403051 89.691803
15.2284665 -29.887563 111.026538
20.6883999 -28.475151 129.577452
26.1151191 -26.11513 146.426759
31.3518692 -22.778476 162.124089
36.2314285 -18.460844 176.992747
40.5797789 -13.185179 191.241192
44.2203376 -7.003823 205.012536
46.9786901 -1.01E-05 218.409561
48.6877389 7.71136945 231.508581
49.1931669 15.9838169 244.36766
48.35909 24.6401735 257.031759
46.0737608 33.4745308 269.536087
42.2551658 42.2551466 281.908369
36.8563475 50.7283857 294.170402
29.8702732 58.6236783 306.339162
21.3340679 65.6594568 318.427592
11.3324249 71.5500045 330.445165
1.83E-05 76.0131125 342.39829
-12.477255 78.7784118 354.290596
-25.862355 79.5962117 366.123122
-39.868634 78.2466474 377.89444
-54.162923 74.5489078 389.600708
-68.370257 68.370292 401.235684
-82.080246 59.6348213 412.790681
-94.855097 48.3311169 424.254495
-106.23923 34.5192476 435.613278
-115.77033 18.3362506 446.850384
-122.99179 3.30E-05 457.946161
-127.46614 -20.188618 468.877709
-128.78937 -41.846164 479.618581
-126.60573 -64.508797 490.138437
-120.62266 -87.637442 500.402627
-110.62545 -110.62539 510.371704
-96.491165 -132.80862 520.00086
-78.201389 -153.47876 529.239244
-55.853317 -171.89866 538.029169
-29.66868 -187.32032 546.305168
-5.87E-05 -199.00489 553.992854
32.6658624 -206.24454 561.007562
67.7085054 -208.38557 567.252685
104.377414 -204.85236 572.617635
141.800346 -195.17156 576.975319
178.995625 -178.99574 580.178951
214.888837 -156.12598 582.057989
248.333829 -126.5325 582.412865
278.137862 -90.372567 581.007999
303.090621 -48.004938 577.56236
321.996651 -0.0001035 571.736338
333.710649 52.8544634 563.112963
337.174909 109.554647 551.170006
331.458068 168.886184 535.236675
315.7942 229.437756 514.422612
289.621173 289.620979 487.493028
252.617137 347.697414 452.627781
204.73389 401.812545 406.891919
146.225888 450.036483 344.815837
77.6736288 490.410894 252.92936
0.00018148 521.001492 0
Difference between Winter's Golden Ratio Equation based letters, to Tenen - Hand Sculpture.