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You are ordering the CD
Hell Is Repetition
by Oryx Incruentus.

The price is $8 (includes s&h)


1. The Dark Wood Of Error
2. The Descent
3. The Vestibule Of Hell: The Opportunists
4. Circle 1 - Limbo: The Virtuous Pagans
5. Circle 2 - The Carnal
6. Circle 3 - The Gluttonous
7. Circle 4 - The Hoarders & Wasters
8. Circle 5 - The Marsh Of Styx
9. Circle 6 - The Heretics
10. Circle 7, Round 1 - The River Of Blood
11. Circle 7, Round 2 - The Wood Of The Suicides
12. Circle 7, Round 3 - The Burning Plain
13. Circle 8, Bolgia 1 - The Panderers & Seducers
14. Circle 8, Bolgia 2 - The Flatterers
15. Circle 8, Bolgia 3 - The Simoniacs
16. Circle 8, Bolgia 4 - The Fortune Tellers & Diviners
17. Circle 8, Bolgia 5 - The Grafters
18. Circle 8, Bolgia 6 - The Hypocrites
19. Circle 8, Bolgia 7 - The Thieves
20. Circle 8, Bolgia 8 - The Evil Counselors
21. Circle 8, Bolgia 9 - The Sowers of Discord
22. Circle 8, Bolgia 10 - The Falsifiers
23. Circle 9, Rounds 1 & 2 - Caina and Antenora
24. Circle 9, Round 3 - Ptolomea
25. Circle 9, Round 4 - Judecca
26. The Center

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