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RE: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Operating system

I've been using 99SE on WIN98 for at least 6 months, with no real
problems.  I've experienced, however, some problems in PCB if you're
using an AGP video card.  If you do a lot of  selecting, moving, and
zooming in and out, eventually you'll have a crash.  I guess your
options for dealing with this problem are:

1) Save your file alot and just accept that you'll crash from time to
2) Get rid of your AGP card and use a PCI (or other) Video card,  which
sucks if you play games on your computer.
3) See if your mother board or video card maker have any updated AGP
drivers.  I personally used this option.  I have an Asus K7V Slot A
mother board, and a Diamond Stealth III AGP card.  I updated the drivers
for the video card, and didn't notice any improvements.  After I loaded
the updated AGP drivers for my mother board, I did seem to be noticing
far fewer system crashes.  I can now go through an 8-10 hour session and
crash maybe once, while before I'd crash 5-6 times.

Jim Hood
South Bay CAD

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Brad Marshall []
> Sent:	Tuesday, September 05, 2000 12:05 PM
> To:	Multiple recipients of list proteledausers
> Subject:	[PROTEL EDA USERS]:  Operating system
> Hello,
> I am having trouble running 99SE on my current system (Win98).  I have
> heard that NT should be used with this type of system.  Do any of you
> have any suggestions?  Is NT a better system for Protel or should 98
> be
> good enough?
> Any assistance is appreciated.
>  Regards,
> Brad Marshall