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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Password for the Protel database files....

At 11:40 PM 9/2/00 +1000, djmoore wrote:
>Here it is.....

"ManTiqu l-Tayr," I am sure, is the origin of that. It is the title of a 
classical poem in Persian by Fariduddin Attar, and translates as 
"Conference of the Birds." (The words of the title are Arabic, however.)

Is Protel trying to tell us something?

I'm not sure how valuable it is for us to know this password; by itself the 
password allows one to access the Access .ddb form of the same information, 
more or less, that is found in the Windows database .ddb file, plus 
permissions, etc. One could rather easily damage the Access database such 
that the files within it could no longer be accessed, which is perhaps why 
there is a password.

It is already possible to directly manipulate Protel data outside the 
database by simply using the Windows file system.

A little more dangerously -- and I don't know this for a fact -- having 
that password could make it easier to bypass administrative restrictions on 
the data, to edit, for example, read-only libraries.
Abdulrahman Lomax
P.O. Box 690
El Verano, CA 95433
