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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: help with design rule edit hang

On Sat, 9 Sep 2000 14:59:20 -0400, Crunch wrote:

>Hi Protel Users,
>I have started to use Protel 99 SE w /sp4 and have the following
>re-occurring problem. When I try to change a design rule constraint, the
>program gives me a notice that a win32 combo box api has failed. I can
>dismiss the box, but then cannot dismiss the design rule page. If I use
>Norton Anti-freeze, I can then dismiss the box. Does anyone know how to fix
>this situation.

Yes Protel uses vast amounts of windows resources, the design rule diaglogs
somethng like 40% alone - if you don't have enough free Design explorer

Run resource meter and check you have 40% free before attempting to change
a design rule (run fewer other programs, restart Protel/Windows to reset
any resource leaks now and then). 

Protel could fix this quite easiliy, I suspect the actual fix will be to
require you run it under NT or Win2k.

Cheers, Terry.