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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Drill Drawing symbol reference chart

> didn't there used to exist a way of making a chart on the drill drawing
> listed the different symbols used, referenced to the hole size, plated
> through status etc.????
> I can't seem to find it in P99SE....
> Chris Mackensen

Place a string (primitive) on the Drill Drawing layer with a text
value/caption of .LEGEND (this being a type of "Special String").

Although contemporary versions of Protel supposedly handle this aspect OK, I
normally try to place this string near the lower left corner of the extents
of the PCB file, or otherwise place this in a location where its upwards and
rightwards "expansion" does not extend outside the extents of the PCB file.
A bit of experimentation will reveal what area is occupied by this string
(this being determined by the height of this string and the number of
different sizes of holes) within printouts and Gerber files. (The Power
Print Server currently customarily grossly overestimates the area required
by this string, and this is a reason for placing this string near the lower
left corner of the extents of the PCB file, if that is not inconvenient.)

Although I have yet to design a PCB which uses blind or buried vias, my
experimentation has disclosed that printouts and Gerber files produced from
the Drill Drawing and Drill Guide layers are no longer *fully* identified
(i.e. which pair of layers are involved) by the .LAYER Special String. In
this day and age, most PCB manufacturers would not be interested in
receiving Gerber files produced from the Drill Drawing or Drill Guide
layers, as the NC Drill files actually provide the data of interest in this
regard, and in a more appropriate manner. But for all that, I like to
produce printouts from the Drill Drawing layer, to enable me to check hole
sizes, and in the event that I ever did use blind or buried vias, then I
would prefer to have printouts in which the pair of layers involved was also
identified (along with identification that the printout had been produced
from the Drill Drawing layer). This is an(other) aspect of the Power Print
Server which I hope that Protel pays some attention to...

Geoff Harland.
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