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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Finding a part in the libraries

At 08:35 AM 9/14/00 -0700, Eric Albach wrote:

>I have seen that Orcad provides a book showing all of their component
>libraries.  I wish Protel would do the same.  It would be much easier to 
>find a
>part by browsing a book than searching obscure names or looking one footprint
>at a time.

Even better, because it could include your own custom libraries, would be 
to print your own book. But it would be nice to have at least a PDF file 
for the Protel-supplied libraries.

For PCB libraries, I think there is some kind of document; I seem to 
remember seeing one somewhere. For Schematic libraries, the only document 
of which I am aware is Troy Magennis' book, "Protel Advanced Schematic 
Survival Guide," which contains only a limited listing of "logic functions."

For PCB libraries, it is quite easy to take a library report and make a 
netlist to load one copy of each footprint onto a PCB and then print it.

For Schematic libraries, it isn't, I think, quite so simple, but at least a 
library report can be generated, which would certainly save a lot of 
trouble searching. Open the library and choose Reports/Library Report.

We could ask Protel to do this for us, but perhaps one of us would be 
willing to generate a report from each of the supplied libraries, combine 
it into a single document, and make it available. Or someone has already 
done this....
Abdulrahman Lomax
P.O. Box 690
El Verano, CA 95433
