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RE: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Moving problems

Les Grant wrote:
> Turn off "Snap to center" before doing the move.
> Regards,
> Les Grant.

That won't change anything to Phan's problem. The cursor will snap to
primitives anyway. The "snap to center" option just moves the cursor to the
refence point of components. But the "snapping" to primitives can only be
toggled with "electrical grid".
(Read my recent posting)

Heiko Vachek

> On 15 Sep 00, at 9:29, Phan Le wrote:
> > I am using Protel98se sp5.  I have problem with moving 
> imported gerber
> > file. Here are the steps:
> > 
> >  o set the origin to the boundary lines
> >  o set grid to 100 mil
> >  o select all
> >  o move selection
> >  o move 100 mil x & y direction
> > 
> > As you can see, the boundary lines should be at 100 mil 
> distance from
> > the origin but it is off set by 3 mil (ie. 103 mil)
> > 
> > I tried to draw a rectangular box and do the same steps.  
> This time it
> > works find. Could you tell me what is going on?
> > 
> > Phan
> > 