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[PROTEL EDA USERS]: PCB3 Clicking on component, makes cursor jump off screen

Hi All

I am using V3 adv pcb and sch. This morning in the process of changing a
circuit revision level I opened a previously completed schematic, created a
netlist and opened the PCB, all that was successful. However when I single
click on the placed components the mouse cursor flies off screen (or goes to
the top right corner of the window) sometimes the component disappears as
well but, Undo gets it back!. If I double click and look at the component
properties the X and Y locations for the comment and designator look correct
but the part attribute XY values are at really high numbers.

If I edit the XY values manually to numbers close to the comment position,
when I OK, the part disappears from sight even if I zoom right out to

I have tried resetting the origin, rebooting, select all/copy/paste, to new
file, even pleading into the modem microphone. Nothing seems to make any
improvement, and this for something that was supposed to be a 1 hour task.

Does anyone know what is happening here and how I get round the problem? any
help or pointers to which file the Protel Knowledge base would be


Ian Phillips