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Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: font color for pin#'s

At 04:56 PM 9/27/00 -0500, Brad Marshall wrote:
>We may have covered this, but i haven't seen it.  On the pad/pin numbers
>the number/net label are in black and are hard to see.  Does anyone know
>how to change this color?

This has been discussed before, and, as I recall, there is no way to change 
this setting. If you want it to be easier to see, choose a lighter color 
for pads and holes.

Used to be that this information was displayed with a white background box. 
That box was annoying because it would cover up stuff. I was glad when it 
was changed. Yes, it would be nice, and consistent with Protel display 
philosophy, to be able to change the settings for this: color of text, and 
color of background box, if any. But the present situation has the virtue 
of simplicity. It would also be nice, by the way, to be able to print this 
information. That way it would be much easier to document footprints. One 
of the common errors that will not be caught by any DRC is a pad pin 
assignment in a footprint.
Abdulrahman Lomax
P.O. Box 690
El Verano, CA 95433
