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This section used to just list stuff about me, but now I'm gonna keep an ever-changing list of my favorite things here too.

Hair color: Orangish-reddish-blond

Eyes: Two (I so funny) Greyish-blue, sometimes I can see a little green.

Birthdate: May 12th, 1986

Height/Weight: 69" (heh)/131 (last time I checked, a couple months ago)

Skin: Pale

Interests: Ashlee!, Movies (Indie flicks), Music (Punk, Ska, Hardcore, Dub, Reggae, Techno, Trance, Breakbeat, Classical, Jazz, Psychedelic Rock), Philosophy (although I can't FUCKING FIND ANY ONLINE!!!), Buddhism (not necessarily practicing it, mainly reading about it), Entheogens, video games, comics

Political Affiliation: my Anarchism

Religious Affiliation: not sure anymore

As of May 26, 2002

Favorite color: Black or Orange or Blue

Favorite beverage: Vamp or Jolt Cola (I drink Mountain Dew most of the time though, since both of those are hard to find)

Favorite song: True Believers by the Bouncing Souls

Favorite album: The Illusion of Saftey by Thrice (if you're a fan of Hardcore (sorta like a mix of punk and metal, but it isn't just grinding, there's actually melodies); bands like Snapcase, Biohazard, Descendents, check 'em out.

Favorite movie: Training Day (Great fucking job Antoine Fuqua!!! And whoever wrote it, I forget your name though. David something, I think.). It beat out Chasing Amy for the best written movie (in my opinion), not fucking easy! Didn't beat out Fight Club though, that movie demonstrated just how artistic film can be, much more expressive than painting or drawing or anything like that.

Favorite video game: Virtua Figher 4 or Grand Theft Auto 3

Favorite food: Cheese pizza

Favorite T.V. show: Conan O'Brien