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Dirty fucking AOL. I had updated this whole goddamn thing, and then AOHell, as I have taken to calling it, logged me off. "Would you two shut up? You're breaking my concentration. Now I have to start all over again..."~Willam the Idiot Manchild (Mallrats version)

The Spark

A kick-ass site featuring a bunch of tests like The Gay Test, The Slut Test, etc. A great timekiller. Also has something called 'SparkNotes', something to help people in school. I dunno how well it works, never used it.

The Pierre J. Proudhon Memorial Computer

An Anarchist's dream. FAQ, Message Board, The Anarchist Library, and other assorted things. If you are into Anarchism, or want to be, go here.


In my opinion, one of the better search engines. Not much else to be said.

The ViewAskewniverse

Kevin Smith's website. Here you can find info from or on all his movies, the online version of "Jay And Silent Bob's Secret Stash", EJay, a whole lotta crap. If you are a fan, this page should already be bookmarked.


Mainly for computer programmers, which I am not (well, I guess I sorta am), this site also has a bunch of kick-ass shirts, posters, and just about anything related to caffeine you can think of. Cool site.

The Vaults of Erowid

This site has 4 different sections, although the drug one is probably used the most (at least by me it is). Plants & Drugs, Mind & Spirit, Freedom & Law, and Arts & Culture. If you are at all considering doing any drug, check this site out. Too many people think drugs are killers, when in reality it's ignorance. Educate yourself!!! I haven't really checked out the other sections, but the Mind & Spirt section has a transcript, or a link to a transcript of every religious text I can name (check out the Dhammpadda, it rules)