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This is just gonna be a list of quotes from now on. I'm too lazy to add a new one every day, so I'll add a few here and there, and I will inform you of such addings.

"Careful. We don't want to learn anything from this." ~ Calivn and Hobbes

"Time isn't wasted if you're wasted all the time" ~ I don't know

"If you see me getting beat by the police, put down the camera and come help me." ~ Bobcat Golthwait

"The life I lead is the life of a dog, I may have fleas but I run our yard. I ain't no slave to a suit an' a tie, no rat race clone, I'll never be that guy. I ain't caught up in some selfish career, I'm livin' in love but I'm not in fear. I see those clones lookin' down on me, but unlike those clones my mind is free" ~ Too Rude

"Life is so easy when your told what to do, where to work, and how to be you" ~ TSOL (True Sounds of Liberty)

"You may kill me, but then you'll have my dead body, not my cooperation" ~ Ghandi

"I don't wanna waste my time/Become another casualty of society/I don't wanna fall in line/Become another victim of your conformity and back down" ~ Sum*41

"Just because you aren't paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching you" ~ I don't know

"We're only gonna die from our own arrogance, that's why we might as well take our time" ~ Bad Religion

"Live while you live, gotta live your life while your here. Time is all I got I wanna smoke the kind and guzzle beer. Fear of life at times I guess but I ain't got no time for that." ~ Brad Xavier of Kottonmouth Kings

"This world doesn't operate on reality, but the perception of reality" ~ Sneakers

"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend, to the death, your right to say it" ~ Volitare

"All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be" ~ Pink Floyd

"Not all who wander are lost" ~ J.R.R. Tolkien