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lewis (mistreated)
CHORDS: G5 355xxx
G#5 466xxx
A5 577xxx
F#5 244xxx
C x3555x
Where x's appear as chord names in tab, strum muted strings with
reckless abandon!!!
-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-| RIFF A
Play RIFF A 6 times.
G5 G#5 A5 F#5
Bummed out again by another (? ?)
G5 G#5 A5 F#5
This whole affair is bigger than you think
--------0-0---0-0|--0-0---0-0| RIFF B
Don't do it Don't
Repeat RIFF A 4 times.
G5 G#5 A5 F#5
Can't seem to fit in the end you just get sick
G5 G#5 A5 F#5
And then you know ( ? ) and out of ( ? )
Play RIFF B over the line
Don't do it Don't
Repeat RIFF A twice.
Guitar rests for 2 measures for bass part..
C x x C x x C x x C x x C yourself the'll never get there (RIFF C)^
C RIFF C yourself the pain..and have a real ( ? )
Repeat RIFF A 4 times.
G5 G#5 A5 F#5
We never noticed, we never understood
G5 G#5 A5 F#5
You just can't crush to fit, you never even smiled
with RIFF B
it's the best, it's the best, it's the best day I ever..
with RIFF A (2 times)
Repeat the part where RIFF C was introduced
Ad-lib vocals until the end.
(Repeat 4 times)
Repeat RIFF A twice.
x x x x C C x x x x C C x x x x C C x x x x C C (RIFF D)
Alternate between Riffs A and D until end.
End on a G chord.