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"Stupid Car"
This is only the basic intro and verse riff to the song
These fingerings should be used:
xx022x D7
xx023x Dmaj
xx043x Bmin
This song mostly involves sliding between the D7 and Dmaj chords.
I find it hard to drive your stupid car...
Dmaj Bmin D7 D7/Dmaj
I find it hard 'cause I never get that far...
Dmaj Bmin D7 D7/Dmaj
And you put my brain in overload,
Dmaj D7 Bmin Dmaj
I can't change gears, I cannot see the road.
Dmaj D7 Bmin Dmaj
You've got concrete eyes
and I cannot see your face.
And I failed in life
'cause you crushed me with your hate (thanks, Steph!)
And you put my brain in overload
I can't change gears
I cannot see the
Dmaj (let the low A in some, whatever, strum with reckless abandon).
That's a dun dun ticka ticka dun dun ticka ticka rhythm.