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Ain Shams University



In accordance with the objectives of the Center, several symposiums were held to deal with some of the urgent problems that face teaching science and mathematics in our society. In the following, we will present some of these symposiums that were held in the academic year 2000/2001. For more information about these symposiums and the papers presented, please feel easy to contact the Center

List of Academic year 2000/2001 Symposiums

All the symposiums were held under the auspices of

Dr. Hassan A. Ghallab

The President of the University.

Dr. Mourad Abdel-Kader

Vice president of the University for serving the community and the environment and Board director of the Center


Dr. Amin Farouk Fahmy

Director of the Center

The First Symposium "Metacognition"

The Second Symposium: "Higher Skills of Thinking"

The Third Symposium: "Mathematics for the Society"

The Fourth Symposium: "The Role of the Educational Institutions in Disseminating the Scientific Culture"

The Fifth Symposium: "The Role of the Media in Disseminating the Scientific Culture"


(Nov. 8, 2000)

General Organizer: Dr. William T. Ebeid Prof. of Curricula and Teaching Mathematics Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University and Expert at the Center

The speakers were:

  1. Dr. William Ebeid Prof. of Curricula and Teaching Mathematics Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University and Expert at the Center.
  2. Dr. Abdel-Atty El Saiad Dean of the Faculty of Education, Suez Canal University
  3. Dr. Samia Kheder Prof. of Sociology the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University
  4. Dr. Mona Abdel Sabour Prof. of Curricula and Science Teaching Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University and Expert at the Center.

The participants reached 65 members. They included faculty members from the Faculties of Science, Education and Girls of Ain Shams University and some other universities, besides, members from the National Center for Educational Research and Development and the National Center for Examinations and Educational Evaluation.

The Symposium came out with the following recommendations:

  1. Preparing training programs for teachers to help them to use metacognition strategies in teaching.
  2. Helping the students to use the different strategies of metacognition and to understand the benefits of using these strategies.
  3. Helping the students to move from cognition to metacognition.
  4. To concentrate in teaching on training the students on thinking.
  5. Helping the students to manage their thinking and using their time in solving the problems that face them in their life.

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(Nov. 20, 2000)

General Organizer: Dr. William T. Ebeid Prof. of Curricula and Teaching Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University & Expert at the Center.

The speakers were:

  1. Dr. Gaber Abdel-Hamid Prof. at the Institute for Educational Studies and Research, Cairo University.
  2. Dr. Safa Al Aasar Professor of Psychology, The Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University.
  3. Dr. Alaa Kafafi Professor of Psychology Institute for Educational Studies and Research, Cairo University.
  4. Dr. Amina Kazem Professor of Psychology, The Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University.

The participants were 105 members. They included faculty members from the Faculties of Science, Education and Girls of Ain Shams University and some other universities, besides, members from the National Center for Educational Research and Development and the National Center for Education Assessment.

The Symposium came out with several recommendations:

  1. Planning and executing workshops dealing with the ways to develop the higher thinking skills.
  2. Providing the suitable atmosphere for developing the thinking of the students by using the suitable strategies.
  3. Training the teachers in the Faculties of Education to develop the higher thinking skills of the students.

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(Jan. 15, 2001)

General Organizer: Dr. Amin E. Dowidar Prof. at the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University & Expert at the Center.

The main speakers were:

  1. Dr. Maasouma M. Kazem Professor of Curricula and Mathematics Education, The Faculty of Girls, Ain Shams University.
  2. Dr. Mohamed Amin El Mofty Professor of Curricula and Mathematics Education, Dean of the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University.
  3. Dr. Mohamed Ezzat Professor of Mathematics, Dean of the Faculty of Science, Tanta University.
  4. Mr. Omar Fouad Gab-Allah Mathematics Consultant, Ministry of Education.

There were 87 participants representing faculty members of the Faculties of Science, Education and Girls of Ain Shams University and some other universities. There were also members from the National Center for Educational Research and Development and the National Center for Examination and Educational Evaluation.

The Symposium came out with several recommendations, among these are:

  1. When introducing new mathematical topics, we should start with a simple survey of its historical development and the motives that led to its discovery.
  2. Introduce in the mathematical curricula some topics that have application nature as in statistics...
  3. Making use of mathematical modeling.
  4. Introducing applied unit at the end of each curriculum.

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(April 23, 2001)

General Organizer: Dr. Abdallah lbraim Prof. at the Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University & Expert at the Center

The main speakers were:

  1. Dr. Hussein Beshir Previous Director of the National Center For Educational Research and Development
  2. Dr. Saad Yassa Prof. of Curricula and Science Education, The Faculty of Girls Ain Shams University.
  3. Dr. Mohamed Aly Nasr Previous Dean of the Faculty of Education, El Minia University.
  4. Dr. Abdel Hakim Mohamed Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Taiz University, Yemen.

There were 65 participants representing faculty members of the Faculties of Science, Education and Girls of Ain Shams University beside some other Egyptian and Arab universities. There were also members from the National Center for Educational Research and Development and the National Center for Examination and Educational Evaluation.

The Symposium came out with several recommendations, among these are:

  1. Developing the Science Curricula in both the General and the University Education taking into consideration the latest scientific and technological developments.
  2. Asking the university professors to develop the cultural aspect among their students.
  3. Revising the plans of teacher preparation.
  4. Taking care of the extra curricular activities.
  5. Increasing the interest in holding and participating in the scientific Olympiads.
  6. Increasing the interest in science clubs and disseminating them.
  7. Intensifying the role of the science education center in dissiminating the scientific culture.
  8. Intensifying the role of the media in disseminating the scientific culture.

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(May 13th, 2001)

General Organizer: Dr. Amin E. Dowidar Prof. at the Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University & Expert at the Center

The main speakers were:

  1. Dr. Suzan Kellini Head of the Media Department, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University.
  2. Dr. Ahmed Shawky Prof. of Genetics, Zagazig University.
  3. Dr. Abdalla Zalata Lecturer at the Media Department, Zagazig University, Benha.
  4. Dr. Mohamed Aref Vice Chief Editor Al Akhbar Newspaper.

The participants were 75members including university professors and a fine group of people workiin newspapers, radio and television.

The Symposium came out with recommendations, among these are:

  1. Media ought to allocate more spto disseminate the scientific and technoculture among citizens.
  2. Professionals and specialists are encouraged to write and publish simplified booklets concerning new S & T topics and discoveries.
  3. Establishing an " information Institute " aiming at preparing interested university graduates to be media specialists interested in introducing and simplifying main scientific issues.
  4. Updating the programs which are currently concerned with scientific culture, putting into consideration accuracy and enjoyability of the content.
  5. Coordination among interested institutions and organizations in disseminating scientific and teaching culture.

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