As you are browsing (I hate that word) throughout my site, . Wait a minute. Let me start over again. As you are looking around on my site, certain topics will be apparent to your eyes that I will discuss. There are certain rules or terms of use that you will have to follow. And these seem to be it:
1. You agree that you are at least 18 years old - Or at least mature enough to handle the words like fuck or sex.
2. Do you giggle when someone says the word sex? It's not funny, it's not humorous, it's not hilarious. It's a WORD folks, lets use it with maturity.
3. You agree that you will not read my admittance to huffing gasoline and try it at home. Warning - do not try any stunts performed by our professionals at home. These are not toys ladies and gentlemen, they're real time issues.
4. You will not make fun of the Calvin Klein Obsession advertisement on the top of my page. That person is my grandfather. He likes long walks on the beach, sipping cocoa next to warm fire when the weather gets cold, he likes basketball, tennis, swimming and especially motocross. He's also interested in finding the perfect companion - someone to hold when the going gets tough, someone to be there for him when his medication runs out, someone to give him CPR and also someone to eat strawberries with. If you feel that you're interested and could be a good companion for this fellow - please, email me at
5. The opinions expressed on this website are of the creator and the creator only. I do not take your opinions and place them on my site. I do not listen to your advice on how to make the site better, because your opinion doesn't matter in this world.
6. You will not send junkmail to the creator. However, if you feel that sending me some kind of, "forward" would be funny or even if you think it's an amusing forward for that matter - then by all means, go ahead. Send me your junkmail. I would love to take up MORE of my time and send you a little something that I might find amusing. The key - you wouldn't. So it's best to do what the doctor ordered and keep your filthy, greasy, yellow hands off the send button when you read one of them god damned forwards that one of your f*cking friends sent to you.
7. You will take what I say seriously.