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About TriLife Coaching

The Coached Approach, or Every Athlete Needs TLC Sometimes.

We are coaches united in our love for healthy athletic lifestyle. Our training methodology and plans are designed specifically for teams and groups sharing race/event focus but can be structured specifically for an individual athlete needs. We provide one-on-one and group training environment for triathletes, runners, swimmers, adventure racers and road racing cyclists for events from sprint to ultra distances. No matter if you are a total beginner, recreational participant or grizzly elite age group veteran, we can help you with the expertise of our coaches, physical therapists and nutritionists. We can provide training plans, goals and fitness evaluations, sports skills and form evaluation and technique sessions, injury prevention and management consultation and sports nutrition information designed to meet your individual needs. Our staff work with each other to structure your workouts in a way that will help you achieve your goals safely, effectively and enjoyably.

Our relationship with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training allowed us to introduce hundreds of people to the sport of triathlon and running while promoting healthy lifestyles through regular exercise and proper nutrition.

Coaching Philosophy

The goal of the TriLife Coaching (TLC) is to provide a motivational, multifaceted, step-by-step athletic learning environment. Through personal and on-line coaching, we help athletes to maximize their performance and to create a healthy lifestyle that balances family, work and athletic passions. The TriLife coaches are defined by a passion for the sport of triathlon and a desire to share our knowledge and experience. Decades of training, racing, coaching and mentoring experience have taught us many lessons. We believe that every athlete is a unique individual with different abilities, goals, experience, commitment, needs and lifestyle constraints. Consequently, there is no best single training program that works for everyone. It is our responsibility to closely monitor our athletes, to recognize an individual’s specific conditions and needs and to customize their training plan. Great coaching will make your triathlon lifestyle more pleasurable and your goals achievable.

Athletic performance training is a very complex and not neccessary purely scientific adaptation process that consists of many physiological, psychological, and external variables. TLC can help athletes by simplifying training process as it is adapted individually to each of our beginner, intermediate, and elite members. We developed and sucesfully fieldtested multiple training regiments, all with the undercurrent of holistic training philosophy - use the proven, scientifically valid principles of endurance training overlayed with art of coaching.

Throughout the years, we have come to the conclusion that no single unified training program will take every athlete to optimal performance. Each human being reacts different to training stress so a successful training program has to be designed around each individual’s reaction to the stress that the training applies to the body. Many of the generic training programs taken from books, magazines and the internet have a limited flexibility to adapt to your personal requirements and progress, lack the individual attention, and are in many cases based on methodologies that worked for a handful (or a single) elite athletes that became coaches.

When you join us, we talk to you about your goals, your expectations, your fitness history and your needs. Based on such initial avaluation data, we build a personalized training program for you. We also adapt the program throughout your training to address your progress and any other issues that may arise. For athletes within the training teams, manageable group size allows TriLife coaches to maintain a firm grasp on every participants' development.

Our athletes vary greatly in age, ability and experience. We work with elite, competitive, recreational, and beginner athletes; anywhere between 19 and 60 years of age.

We take great pride in the racing successes of our athletes and in the camaraderie and positive environment that our programs provide.

Coached and self-coached approach.

Training is very simple. Get out and swim, run, or bike. But how will you get faster? How do you overcome an injury? What makes training plan right for you? You can do your research, study the subject of biomechanics, physical fitness, and sport technique but will be there enough time left to train now? Coaches take care of this. They studied the subject and practiced their skills to ensure that the proper and proven training techniques will be applied to you and your training plan.

Our coaching staff continue to study, and learn, and consult other coaches, physiologists, physical therapists, strength trainers, and nutritionists. Coaches apply such knowledge to the training programs, taking into consideration your goals, experience, and abilities, constantly adjusting it to the response of your body to the training stress.

TriLife Coaching program and other alternatives.

TLC provides event-specific team and individualized training. Before your training starts, we evaluate your goals, backgrounds, and abilities. We monitor athletes progress, and are available via email or phone but always prefer contact in person. In addition, our TriLife team training environment makes even the hardest training an enjoyable one.

Our Physical Therapists can work with us to develop the schedule according to any injury management or prevention needs that may arise throughout your training. They have a proven track of athlete rehabilitation and healthy return to competition from the toughest injuries and on an aggresive schedule. Our Massage Therapists are athletes themselves with a intimate knowledge of sport-specific massage techniques.

TLC can help you not only to get to the finish line but get there faster, more efficiently and enjoyably. We will motivated you during training sessions, push you to perform at a higher levels, provide training partners via our group training, and help you in your moments of doubt.

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