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Triathlon Club

New York City had been without a real triathlon club for too long. Triathletes had been forced to develop an unhealthy relationships with running clubs or master swimming programs or thinly veiled "retention mechanisms" in assorted health clubs and gyms. It's time to have clubs of our own. Currently, TriLife is in the process of working through the logistics to have such structure of our own - TriLife Racing Team.

About TriLife Triathlon Racing Team

TriLife is the brainchild of local New York City triathletes. Their vision is to positively grow the sport of triathlon and motivate all levels of athletes (from beginners to elite) to achieve things they never thought possible.

TriLife is designed to provide training, racing and social outlet to dozens of local athletes. Athletes spend mornings, evenings and weekends in and around metropolitan New York training locales - from Central to Prospect Parks, from Route 9W to New Paltz. We collectively and individually race in many events throughout the year, around the world, and in many local races.

Our members have won numerous races and age group awards. Our athletes have a wide racing experience - from local sprint events to Ironman Hawaii to ultra distance races, as well as racing in other endurance sports. And for the some of us, we just love training environment team provides.

If interested in joining us, please call anyone on Contacts page.

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