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Microprocessor 8085 basics

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The microprocessor 8085 is a complex IC of sequential circuits. The sequential circuits are designed to do some operation depending on what is the input on their lines. The vital inputs on the lines are what therefore determines what operation will be done by the sequential circuits inside it. The operations can be very complex and therefore this chip is also called a processor. We can make the processor execute a programme to do useful things for us. These inputs then could alternately, be called instructions. The inputs that we talked of so far are actually voltages to represent 1s and 0s. They can only be 1s or 0s, they are called digital values. The number of input lines that the processor provides are some estimation of the largeness of the instruction set that it can support. The microprocessor 8085 has a 8 bit input (actually called the input lines of the data bus), meaning that we could have only a maximum of 2^8=256 different combination of 1s and 0s as inputs to the processor. Well! The 8085 supports almost that many different instructions. The programme that we desire to be executed must be loaded into consecutive locations of memory chips. The memory is not part of the 8085 processor. The memory chips are again sequential circuits consisting of flip flops which are capable of storing digital values. Since we would be interested in storing a huge number of such digital values, a large number of these memories are packed together with a scheme of addresses, so that we can address them individually. Generally the memories are arranged in large numbers of 8 bit bunches each. The addressing is also done by the voltages (1s or 0s) on the address bus. The 8085 has a address bus which is 16 bit wide. Therefore it can put 2^16 different digital values on it, and therefore it can address a maximum of 2^16 different address locations. And then we ask the processor to execute those instructions from a particular memory location onwards. It goes on executing those instructions one after another. And that is all it does. The memory location from which it is to pick up the next instruction for execution is maintained in an internal memory location (Register) called Programme Counter (PC). As would be expected, it has to hold a 16 bit memory address.
As soon as the power is turned on, the 8085 does a reset of its programme counter. It is reset to 0000H ,on start up. The address bus is connected in a parallel fashion to the entire memory. When the voltages on the address bus are indicating at 0000H, only that memory location is activated. And whatever is the content of that memory location is now floated on the data bus. The data bus feeds that value back to the processor. This is also called a opcode fetch cycle (an instruction fetch cycle). The kit executes that instruction and waits for the next instruction.

