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Simulator 8085 basic interface

microprocessor 8085 simulator


Now here comes the second part of detailed interface of the program microprocessor 8085 simulator. This microprocessor 8085 simulator can be download from its home page and can be registered online at REGSOFT. You can also register by sending CHEQUE to author.


On the extreme left you will see a grid showing you the contents of memory right now. You can drag down to see if any changes have occurred in memory contents due to your program. You will see entries into this grid as you make them & correspondingly you will also see some codes corresponding to machine language.

For direct entry of data into memory it’s all same as for input ports but the thing to remember is range (2000-27FF) and caps being used.

As for memory you can also see stack. Similarly you can browse the stack and see the corresponding inputs.

Now that you know everything, go and try your first writing of programs keeping in mind the memory limits and use of caps.


Well now that you have completed your first program its time to be acquainted with some of the buttons critically important fro the running for program. After you have ended your program using ‘HLT’ command, press ‘RUN’ to see the output of the program. Hope everything is right but if not so you can always use the step-by-step button. Just press ‘STEP’ button & then the arrow button to move on the first step. A shade shows, which was the last step processed & the output; that you can always see in


the registers’ window. Some words for ‘RESET’ button here. You can press this button to set all the conditions as was before your pressing run or step button. This is vitally important for checking you programs.


You can use the file menu to save and open files as you like. So you can keep your files for future reference as you like. Your files are preserved with extension *.mps and you can open them directly inside you program window.

Using other file menus you can run the program in one go or in steps. Using help button you can access this read me file. On clicking about button u can have glimpse who the programmers are.


Want to refer again to interface part 1.Click on the following link  simulator 8085 interface part1

For any query please contact author at

The software is a shareware. You can buy it at REGSOFT via a secure online system using your credit card system or by sending a CHEQUE in favour of author. To further see the buying information click on the link below.

 Software prices click on the link to prices page
