Here is a listing of some of the Fraternal
Organizations with their acronyms that I have found. A more complete
listing can be found
here .
Fraternal Brotherhood acronyms and names
A.A.O.N.M.S. = Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic
A.O.F. = Ancient Order of Foresters
A.O.U.W. = Ancient Order of United Workmen
B.L.E. = Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
B.P.O.E. = Benevolent Protective Order of Elks
B.R.T. = Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
D.A.R = Daughters of the American Revolution
D.A.V. = Disabled American Veterans
F.O.E. = Fraternal Order of Eagles
G.A.R. = Grand Army of the Republic (Civil War, Union
Army vets)
I.O.B.B. =
Independent Order of Bnai Brith (B’nai B’rith?)
I.O.F. =
Independent Order of Foresters
I.O.G.T. = Independent Order of Good Templars
I.O.O.F. = Independent Order of Odd Fellows
I.O.R.M. = Improved Order of Red Men
I.W.W. = Industrial Workers of the World
K.C. = Knights of Columbus
K.G.C. =
Knights of the Golden Circle
K.G.E. = Knights of the Golden Eagle
K.K.K. = Ku Klux Klan
K.M. = Knights of Malta
K.P. =
Knights of Pythias
K.T. = Knights Templar
K.O.T.M. (K.O.M.M.?) = Knights of the Modern Maccabees
L.O.O.M. = Loyal Order of Moose
M.O.S.B. = Military Order of Stars and Bars
N.D.G.W. = Native Daughters of the Golden West
N.S.G.W. = Native Sons of the Golden West
O.O.O. = Independent Order of Owls
O.U.A.M. = Order of United American Mechanics
P.O.S.A. = Patriotic Orders Sons of American
S.C.V. = Sons of the Confederate Veterans
U.D.C. = United Daughters of the Confederacy
W.O.W. = Woodmen of the World
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