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My So Called LYFE

Friday, 30 April 2004

what up?
hey Whats crakcalackin people. Me and my boi friend of two months just broke up two days ago! YAy! he was only 16, i am 2 yrs. older then him. but he cheated on my so I DUMPED HIM. ne ways this weekend is ganna be great. we are all hangin out, me courtney, and summer. WE are all going to party's alll weeek end , it's our prom tomarrow night, how exciting, not really. i'm not going. so ne ways i'm new My NAme is Autumn I'm 17 f fl... so hey WHats Crackalckin????

Posted by electronic2/basschick at 5:20 AM
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what up?
hey Whats crakcalackin people. Me and my boi friend of two months just broke up two days ago! YAy! he was only 16, i am 2 yrs. older then him. but he cheated on my so I DUMPED HIM. ne ways this weekend is ganna be great. we are all hangin out, me courtney, and summer. WE are all going to party's alll weeek end , it's our prom tomarrow night, how exciting, not really. i'm not going. so ne ways i'm new My NAme is Autumn I'm 17 f fl... so hey WHats Crackalckin????

Posted by electronic2/basschick at 5:19 AM
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Wednesday, 28 April 2004

intro/LIL BOI'S
Hey I'm autumn im 17 yrs. old and live in summerfiled fl. I'm dating this guy now. yeah he just turned 16 and i'm about to be 18, BUT he is like 6'4 and built like a football player. so u really can't tell b/c i'm 5 ft. any ways heis 16 and doesn't know what he wants he is still obssesed with his ex gurl AShly. Yeah well he complains we never get to see each other. well thats b/c he works full time and when he does have days off he goes to a party OR>>>> like last night goes to visit his ex gurl. Correct me if i'm wrong is that a sign ? any ways he doesn;t know i know whats going on. Okay let me give you some back ground hx on me and joe. i have known him since like he was in 6th grade so that's 4 yrs. he is my best friend, he has asked me out b4 but i thouht of him as a lil bro. so i said no. then over spring break we hooked up becuase i thought he would be good for me. Joe was there for me when i dated an alchy on porbation named BRAD BENTON. yeah well brad cheate don me and treated me like shit, but joe was there for me when ever i needed some one. but now all of a sudden it seems he is pullling the same shit brad did. and i don't undertsand, why6 he would do that me???? i donno what we are ganno do hopefully we won't brake up and i'm just periniod!. well i'm tired tell ya more later.

Posted by electronic2/basschick at 3:53 AM
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