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David Lewis Aster-Rose

My Current Works Are

These stories are provided by the author upon the Internet for NO CHARGE WHATSOEVER to private parties.

I wish to write with all of my heart, however, what I choose to write, will never be published by the established presses of the World. I write stories about boys in love with other boys, and sometimes with men. Since there are no graphics in my works, I violate no international laws or standards of decency, in any country.

These stories, altho fictional, are based upon my own life experiances as a gay boy growing up gay, in a world that largely does not accept this.

The stories are very very involving, with many plots, sub plots, and memorable characters. These stories go, where the "Harry Potter" stories do not, they speak of the physical love of boys for other boys, along with a Great Story, and a TERRIFIC Plot!!!

If you do not agree with my works, then, by all means, spare me your hate mail, the last time I checked, freedom of speech was allowed in the United States of America, and in most civilized countries elsewhere. Even if that speech makes a particular person very uncomfortable.

My stories are mostly for Gay Kids, and open minded adults, who want to read wholesome stories about youthful gay love. In many of the stories, the "Heroes" are gay kids, fighting for a better world, a better tomarrow. If you are a publisher, or a filmaker, and wish to use my work, email me, and we will negotiate a fair price. Private parties may have my work free of charge, as long as it is not sold. All comercial uses of my work, for monetary gain, are protected by international copyright, and must pay compensation to me. If you are a Not-For-Profit Agency, that wishes to use my work, for a Not-For-Profit publication project, you must receive my express written consent in writing before doing so.

Please keep in mind, that these works, are works in progress. My promise to my readers is to try to complete ten pages per week, so a weekly review of my web site would be suggested to keep up with the stories. I will either post new sections on Sunday Evenings, or on Monday Mornings. As stories are completed, and new ones added, I may need to upgrade my account, to allow for more space.

If you would like to make a donation double Click on the Paypal button below. The account is set up for One Dollar Donations To donate three dollars, just set the item counter to 3, for 5, set to 5, and so on. Please Enjoy My Works. Allow me to remind the public, that this web page does cost me money to operate, due to the heavy bandwidth it needs to support, so helping me keeps this site up and accessable.

"The Poet Of Ismar" - A magical land, Two gay boys who are lovers, One is Chosen to be the High Priest of Ismar, The "Poet of Ismar", his love, his "Second", the one who will be his life friend, comes along. War, terrible war, comes to the land of Ismar, these two boys, must somehow lead their gentle people to battle, and save thier homeland.

"Herr Kampf" - It is the middle of WWII. A gentle, loving professor of Music and Mathematics is suddenly drafted into the SS, to work on the German Atomic Bomb. He is sent far away from his home, his family, to Warsaw Poland. He befriends a very charming, inteligent shoe-shine boy. In the midst of the Holocost, these two unite to smuggle jewish children out of the Riech, and to safety in Palestine. In the process, they fall in love, this gentle man, and this loving child of Poland.

My Stories

The Poet Of Ismar
Herr Kampf
