Embry Riddle 2002 homecoming
So hows this for cool: Our skydiving club got a slot in the homecoming parade, and I was volunteered to donate my van (I mean my moms van, my BMW is in the shop....) and time for the parade. So yeah, we dressed the mini up as a skyvan and off we went. Great times were had by all.
Will the real Skyvan please stand up???
For all you non skydives - this is Skydive Delands Skyvan.
Notice the resemblance?
Chris (left) and I (right).
Garren S. in the orange shirt there. He was club president at the time.
Who knows what happens if I pull this handle and how much it costs?
(L. to R.) Patrick A., Kyle S., Danielle F., Paxton V. Picture was taken right after a Demo where they jumped into Riddle during our schools "Club and Activities fair."
Chicks dig skydivers.
No really, chicks really do dig skydivers.
See they dig us so much they all piled into a damn Jeep and followed up during the whole parade.
You didnt believe me did you. They really are following us. But its ok, because skydivers dig chicks.
Picture taken mid parade. Want to know something funny?? I was driving... (L. to R. Me, Andi B., Chris T.)