Counter Strike Counter strike is a great FPS for XBox Live. The object of the game incase you didn't know is if your the Counter Terrorist Team (CTT) to defend off the Terrorist Team (TT) from bombing certain locations or you have to rescue hostages from the TT. The object for the TT is the opposite than that of the CTT. The weapon selection is excellent and it adds a new element to the game because you only start with a limited amount of money so you have to spend it wisely. I would not recommend this game for players who want to play single player because this game flat out sucks for single player. I also have not played Counter Strike for the PC so I can't tell you the differences between the 2. Graphics - 8/10 Not its strong point you can tell they are aged but still good.. Sound - 8/10 Guns sound good what else is there to say about it. Difficulty - 6/10 depends on what u play it as if you play single player games kinda hard but on live also matters how good the player is. Multiplayer - 9/10 great MPlayer game, a great buy for anyone who likes FPS and has XBox Live. Replay - 8/10 Replay can only be found on Live. Over All - 8/10 Solid FPS good buy but not for single player though get it for MPlayer or Live. |
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