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The History of Mu Iota: A Development in UTK Life

The opening of the school year, 1975 - 1976, found at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, a group of African - American students distributed in the various colleges of the University who were desirous of maintaining more intimate contact with one another than their classroom study permitted. These students aspired to become members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. And on, May 29, 1976, the Mu Iota Chapter was chartered in Knoxville, Tennessee. This group of men became known as Genesis 15 and sparked the initial flame that ignited the light of Alpha on the University of Tennessee's campus. In November of 1978, in only its second year of existence, Mu Iota moved into a two story house located at 1810 Lake Avenue on the University's campus. In August of 1979, the brotherhood hosted their first Annual Freshmen Tea, welcoming and orienting incoming freshmen. This event was later named Freshmen Weekend and was expanded to include a picnic, party, tour of the city and church services, all in hopes of extending the hand of ALPHA to those who need it.

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