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urgent 2017 update:

Who Still Doubts that both of the duopoly political parties in USA are not equally controlled by the same foreign and/or megalithic Big 15 Lobbies?

Financial regulatory measures –never truly put into practice -- were commonplace avoidance procedures on Wall Street under Obama’s two terms. It was just lip service. Go to any serious newspaper, New York Times, or another paper of record, and it is easy to find hundreds of articles which examine from 2008 to today, how nothing was really done -- excepting some CNN and other corporate TV news networks praising to high heavens the insincere words of the "reformers," on the heels of Crash of 2008.

Republicans by their very nature are rarely allowed to talk in a way openly discrediting and naming a large corporation or bank charging, it with bad acts, and get reelected. So you get the pink & purple prose from the only other party, Democrats, owned by the very same lobbies and elite powers that control the Republicans, having nothing to do whatsoever with the representative needs of the People.

Today one can still buy and sell toxic CDs and black magic derivatives (debt transformed into fraudulent negative value "assets") in even greater amounts still today than ever before, and nobody's hands in finance will be slapped or cut off. Maybe some politicians made histrionic theater to appear "strenuously working to deregulate". But in real practice and real effects, “same ole same ole,” you might say.

If you want to single out Democrats for doing something really good -- on the same level which use to be for Labor and Workers and civil rights in the 50s to 80s --in the Democratic Party, today the party has devolved into mostly elevating transgender and LGBT and illegal immigrants matters, to Olympian heights, as if such identity politics applies to all of us equally and brings cohesion and relief to American people, in their struggle for jobs and health and freedom from one-click surveillance; nor does the Democratic party any longer represent a voice to speak for them when up against infallible law enforcement authorities, who can justify just about anything they want to do against you, in these times.

Did you know that for the last 20 years when wide open illegal immigration became a powerful social engineering tool for the elite 1%, neither Republican nor Democrat congresspersons have since, changed the laws to catch up with the times, which define and disallow illegal immigration. Why are they so remiss to not adjust the laws to the current actions of the courts and law enforcers? For nearly two decades, the same laws which had long been on the books of the nation, making illegal immigration illegal, all those laws still just sit and exist on our law books, making a mockery of our current practices.

If immigration nowadays is in most cases never to be illegal, why the chicanery and cowardice to not rewrite the laws? If illegal immigration is still by law illegal, how are we to respond to other "illegal" acts? Can we just litter when we are running out of time to find a trash bin? Punch a car salesman in the face for selling someone a lemon and when they take it back, the salesman of course could not give a crap, so one can just bust him in the teeth, saying “it is illegal to punch him same as immigrants with no legal residency are “illegal”, so who’s to stop me from knocking out this parasites teeth”?

Very odd however, how quickly it is becoming illegal by law to criticize Israel, a land which has forcefully been championing apartheid and in defiance of UN laws now, for at least 4 decades. If a person does not endorse or support Republicans in any way, nor feel any particular empathy for any of them in office, hey, that does not in and of itself make Democrats acceptable, just because they are the only opposition to Republicans. In all other respects, the people of the United States really don't have any political tools, except being a member of one party and loathing the other. A kind of paralysis and death that's time must surely be running out.

Shouldn't Americans be revolting against job losses and their sleeping annual economic growth rate, with their money being bled out by the Fed Reserve for the luxury of international banksters, same as in France with their central bank, yet about a hundred French cities this week revolted against Emmanuel Macron's Rothschild backed union-busting new laws being bullied through French Parliament, along with Temp Agency laws also taking hold soon, making it French EZ and 1-2-3 simple to throw out long term French workers with pensions and good wages, and replacing them with temps from global temp agencies. Americans are too polarized by us versus them identify politics issues, to take similar action against household economic dislocation and federal financial fraud, at the highest levels of government. They need to get their opposition together today, before it is too late tomorrow.

PARIS PROTESTS against Macron draconian Rothschild bankster savaging of French Unions

read the ADRIAN REPORT on Illegal Immigration before you lose your job! ... click here ASAP!!!

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Volume 1, 2006



"Congress Approves Law Banning Class Action Suits and we are further Beaten by the Washington Administration?

Feb. 17, 2005

Top Stories - AP

By JESSE J. HOLLAND, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Congress on Thursday passed legislation that would transfer most large, multistate class action lawsuits to federal court, fulfilling one of President Bush's second-term goals.

The aim of the bill was to protect businesses and stop lawyers from reaping huge profits by filing suits in carefully selected state courts.

The legislation, given final congressional approval by the House on a 279-149 vote, would ban state courts from hearing large multistate class action lawsuits. Such courts have been known for issuing multimillion-dollar verdicts like they did against tobacco companies.

After the bill becomes law, cases against corporations and businesses accused of wrongdoing against large groups of people will be heard by federal judges. Critics have said these jurists are not as amenable as are their state counterparts to these cases, which often involve millions of dollars.


The Senate passed the bill Feb. 10. Bush is expected to sign the bill into law on Friday.

Bush and other Republicans have been pushing for changes in the legal system for years. They argue that greedy lawyers have taken advantage of the state class action lawsuit system by filing frivolous lawsuits in certain state courts where they know they can win big dollar verdicts. Meanwhile, those lawyers' clients get only small sums or coupons giving them discounts for the products of the company they just sued, lawmakers said.

"Frivolous lawsuits are clogging America's judicial system, endangering America's small businesses, jeopardizing jobs and driving up prices for consumers," said House Majority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo.

Moving those cases to federal court will ensure that state judges will no longer "routinely approve settlements in which the lawyers receive large fees and the class members receive virtually nothing," he added.

Companies in response have had to cut back on their activities to defend those lawsuits, and have had to raise prices on products to recoup their costs, Republicans said.

"These out-of-control class action lawsuits are killing jobs, they're hurting small business people who can't afford to defend themselves and they're hurting consumers who have to pay more for products," said Rep. Ric Keller (news, bio, voting record), R-Fla.

Democrats argued that the main goal of Republicans was to hurt trial lawyers who donate heavily to the Democratic Party and to help big business escape multimillion-dollar verdicts from state courts. "This bill is the Vioxx protection bill, it is the Wal-Mart protection bill, it is the Tyco protection bill and it is the Enron protection bill," said Rep. Jay Inslee (news, bio, voting record), D-Wash.

They tried to scuttle the legislation by offering an amendment rewriting the bill and trying to force it back to committee, but Republicans voted those efforts down.

The legislation is "a payback to big business at the expense of consumers," House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California said.

Federal courts are expected to allow fewer large class action lawsuits to go forward, which Democrats say means more businesses will get away with wrongdoing and fewer ordinary people will be protected.

HI-B visa crisis

During the latter half of the 1990s the unemployment rate in the United States reached a 30 year high,

but when added since 2000 to the major influx of former welfare recipients who entered the part time minimum wage labor market and found nothing, and employers in the high tech sector who demanded criminally much lower wages from immigrants [legal?] to import skilled labor in order to meet their CEO's bottom line needs, it jumped up even higher to maybe 15-20% unemployed, by real rather than virtual counting techniques.

The time thus seemed ripe to anybody with half a brain for INCREASED job training in the United States, yet in spite of increasing cuts to education and training over the last twenty years and the request for high skill needs, the U.S. invested abysmally less in post-school training than any other advanced industrialized economy on the planet Earth.



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click on this fly faced lobbyist to read the full story....

TEMP AGENCY and OUTSOURCING VIOLATIONS and ABUSES, 2000-2006 ... learn THE LAW and how to cover your ass from these predators!


USCIS Announces that the 20,000 additional H-1B slots created under the FY 2005 Omnibus Appropriations Act (December 8, 2004)

Will not be limited to individuals holding a master's or higher degree from a U.S. university, but instead will be applied to all qualified H-1B non-immigrants. This would permit new H-1B employees to commence work


upon approval of the petition rather than wait until October 1, 2005 for FY 2006 H-1B slots.

USCIS Proposes Major Changes to Simplify H-2B Visa Procedures (Jan. 27, 2005)

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is proposing a new rule to significantly alter the H-2B program by: 1) establishing a one-step petition process for U.S. employers seeking H-2B temporary workers, 2) requiring electronic filing of the Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker (Form I-129) in most instances, 3) with limited exceptions, eliminating the need for U.S. employers to obtain a labor certification from the Department of Labor, and 4) establishing new management mechanisms allowing USCIS to maintain the integrity of the program. (Source: USCIS, January 27, 2005)

from the NEW YORK TIMES.....

"Union Intensifies Campaign against TEMPS Supplier, LABOR READY TEMPS"


"[...] Terry O'Sullivan, the president of the AFL-CIO's Laborer's Union, said LABOR READY had sent temporary workers across picket lines in at least six strikes the last few years.

While union ranks have been stagnating, TEMPORARY WORK has been growing by leaps and bounds ...

revenue from the TEMPORARY WORKER INDUSTRY is expected to reach $140 million this year ... with 90 percent of American companies now using temporary workers.

The union campaign has had a limited effect on LABOR READY.

[...] The company is now rebuilding its sales force. In July, the founder and chief executive, Glenn Welstad, was forced to resign after the board accused him of taking an unauthorized loan of $3.5 million to cover a margin call on his LABOR READY stock ... LABOR READY says it is the top provider of manual laborers for temporary tasks, but it remains a NICHE PLAYER with revenue only now approaching $ ONE BILLION


[...] Union officials said their members were paid $15 an hour plus benefits.

[...] LABOR READY ... last year paid workers and average of $6.94 an hour ... but makes NO PROVISION for current health care and has NO PENSION FUND.


Hot off the NEW YORK TIMES presses!

from a story by DAVID LEONHARDT


[summary of the article]


"Self Employment Will Grow in the Coming Years"


*Before WWII, America had many many more independent farmers

*All the widespread layoffs among white collar workers in the late 80s and early 90s

*More than 30 million Americans now call themselves "freelancers" [rather than temps], or "self-employed

MAIN DRAWBACK: HealthCare costs have grown faster and higher for self-employed than for the big companies. Other forms of NON-TRADITIONAL employment, like TEMPORARY HELP and telecommuting, are quickly gaining ground in our BOOM BOOM BOOM economy!

Here are some highly recommended sites:

" Who Will Drive a Stake Through the God of War?"

"Strike Workers of America, STRIKE!"


B.Traven & His Circle of Friends

This dove is one of the very few to get away from its forest of OUTSOURCING and temp agency slavery -- and it protected itself from being OUTSOURCED via flight and swiftness. Look how beautifully it flies away from both Hillary and GW -- both knuckle fisted outsourcers!!!



Friday November 11, 2005 2:37 AM

USA Wants to Have ALL ARMS & WEAPONS DEALS WITH CHINA for Themselves:

German drive to lift China arms ban fades, Hu visits

BERLIN, Nov 10 (Reuters) - Germany's new government will drop outgoing Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's push for an end to an EU arms embargo on China, a conservative foreign policy leader said as China's president began a three day visit.

Before Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived on Thursday, Christian Democrat Friedbert Pflueger told Reuters the new "grand coalition" government being formed would distance itself from the previous administration's position.

"The issue is not on the agenda," said Pflueger, a CDU foreign policy expert in parliament and close ally of designated chancellor Angela Merkel, who is trying to form a coalition with Schroeder's Social Democrats (SPD).

"We want good relations and we're delighted by the Chinese president's visit to Germany. For the new government the arms embargo issue is not on the agenda. Any change would require close coordination with our EU and North Atlantic partners."

Hu is scheduled to hold separate meetings with Merkel and Schroeder on Friday before a news conference at 1230 GMT.

Schroeder, who will soon be an ordinary member of parliament for the SPD, was a keen advocate of lifting the


EU arms embargo on China -- imposed in the aftermath of Beijing's crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square in 1989.

A regular visitor to China, Schroeder helped open doors for German industry with six trips in seven years in office, helping make China Germany's biggest trading partner in Asia.

However, Schroeder's push to lift the EU arms embargo on China had caused tension in his centre-left coalition, with Greens and SPD deputies wary.

The German government's commissioner Tom Koenigs, a member of the Greens party, also spoke out against lifting the weapons embargo, saying there had been no improvement in human rights.

"It would be the wrong signal if the embargo were relaxed or lifted, even if that would not actually make much of a difference," Koenigs told German radio on Thursday.

About 500 demonstrators marched through Berlin on Thursday to protest Chinese policy on Tibet, Taiwan and human rights.

"We do not feel it is right that the Chinese president should be received and lauded," said Dechen Pemba, 27, whose parents fled Tibet. "It's ridiculous that trade issues are taking precedent over oppression and torture."

She was part of a group of Tibetan activists in front of Berlin's landmark Brandenburg Gate. They carried banners reading "Freedom for Tibet" and "Hu Jintao -- courted by Germany: Responsible for martial law and genocide in Tibet".


The EU had planned to end the embargo in June, but pressure from Washington and China's hardline policy towards Taiwan dashed prospects of such a move in the foreseeable future.

Schroeder and French President Jacques Chirac had argued the ban was a relic from the Cold War.

But critics argue China has not done enough on human rights to justify ending the embargo. The U.S. Congress had also threatened to retaliate by freezing European countries out of military technology sharing if the ban were lifted.

Pflueger, a leading candidate to take a deputy-minister post in the new grand coalition government, told Reuters China would have to make progress on human rights and improve relations with Taiwan before the embargo could be lifted.

"An improvement in human rights and a relaxation of tensions in the Taiwan question are the vital pre- conditions," he said.

Hu was in Britain on Wednesday and was scheduled to spend three days in Germany, holding meetings with leaders and signing business deals, before travelling to Spain and South Korea.

German engineering conglomerate Siemens said on Thursday it would sign a contract to supply 60 high-speed trains to China.

(Additional reporting by Sarah Marsh)






by Louis Uchitelle

[Excerpted from a recent New York Times feature story]

"[...] "We are in an economic slowdown," said Mickey Levy, chief economist at Bank of America. "Employers are clearly holding back on hiring and adding hours much more slowly for those on their payrolls."

... [in] August, 91,000 jobs disappeared ... the federal payroll ... has shrunk by 320,000.

[...] Private-sector employment has registered a similar decline.

[...] The Federal Reserve has argued that the nation is in danger of an inflationary spiral[.]

[...] The average hourly pay of production workers --- constituting roughly 80 percent [of all people employed]

... has risen a mild 3.6 percent.

[...] Manufacturers [typically big users of oil and gas] reduced their payrolls by 66,000 people, after cutting 117,000 jobs in August.

[...] The strong dollar and weak euro dollar have hurt exports ... and [U.S.] companies have therefore cut production and laid off workers[.]

[...] Temporary agencies led in job creation ... but the growth ... had to do with abnormal seasonal variations[.]

[...] Retailers ... have failed to expand payrolls ... a stagnation that some experts attribute to ... rising interest rates.

"They see that if they are going to have to spend more on gas and heating fuel, they are going to spend less on other things [...]," said Richard Curtin, chief of the University of Michigan's consumer surveys.


The number of TEMP JOBS in the U.S.A rose 577% from 1982 to 1998: Overall Employment grew by a whopping 47% !!


[excerpted from a recent WASHINGTON POST article written by Frank Swoboda]

"[...] the Nation's employers increasingly rely on temporary staff to trim costs and gain flexibility. Temps, contractors and consultants who are not attached to a company's core work force make up as much as 25 percent of the nation's employment base by some estimates, or nearly 35 million workers.

The number of temporary jobs in the United States rose 577% from 1982 to 1998, according to the General Accounting Office, while overall employment grew 47 percent. MANPOWER Inc., a temp agency, is now the


[...] contingent workers ... have often been "relegated to second-class status and rights " because of their inability to join unions.

[...] Some unions already were planning ... to boost its organizing in hospitals that often hire temporary nurses on a long-term basis.

[...] Challenges to the widespread use of temporary workers have also landed in court in recent years. In one of the more celebrated cases, thousands of current and former independent contractors and temporary workers sued MICROSOFT CORP., essentially claiming that they deserved the same rights as permanent employees. They won in a US Appeals Court, but the U.S. SUPREME Court DECLINED to review the case.

[...] David Larson, who has worked on and off as a Microsoft temp for six years, said he is not sure the younger temp workers realize how important unionizing could be but he hopes they soon will. "The younger you are, the less you thing about things like retirement," said Larson, 44. "Once [the younger temps] start thinking about this, they'll think, "Gee, I'm coming up short here."

from recent AP Wire releases!!

Untold hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants given residence/work visas by our INS, charges the U.S. Justice Department today. CLICK HERE NOW for complete story!

"Citizenship USA", a crash program to reduce the backlog of citizenship applications "compromised the integrity" of our legal processes and gave citizenship to hundreds of thousands of people, without adequate background checks, the Justice Department said yesterday.


"[...] 5,400 jobs have been cut since December 1999 at US companies that sell goods and services over the


[...] the cuts came from 59 companies, almost a third of which have gone OUT OF BUSINESS ... just this month 1,263 jobs have been ELIMINATED at 17 Internet businesses.

[...] ... laid off 150 workers in January. Other companies that have laid off workers ... AltaVista ...


and a healthcare company founded by ... Everett Koop."

Watch out for

RANDSTADT (Dutch-American), Office Specialists, Accustaff, and Olsten --- they are particularly offensive temp agencies

-- read more below --- from the main East Coast Establishment newspapers! But first, a peek at how the new EU is making slaves out of all those nicely schooled German, Swedish, Danish, French, etc., Europeans, who always scoffed when told they might one day live in a HELL like the one we have here in the USA!!

from "The Economist", a London magazine

TEMP SLAVERY revvs up to HIGH GEAR in the new EU!!

[excerpted from ECONOMIST]

"[...] most of the net jobs created between 1994 and 1998 in the EURO area were of either a PART-TIME or TEMPORARY nature. Such "flexible" jobs, many of them in Internet-led services, could account for two-fifths of ALL EMPLOYMENT.

[...] TEMPORARY WORK often suits EMPLOYERS, who can hire and fire readily, more than it does their employees, for whom it offers little security.

[...] unburdened by regulation [regarding part-timers], British employers have less need to seek cheaper ways to create new jobs ... in other words, unburdened by regulation, British employers have less need to seek cheaper ways to create new jobs ... in France, the employers are negotiating with the unions to CUT unemployment benefits to those who refuse job offers. IG Metall, Germany's biggest union, is considering ways of loosening the system of industry-wide agreements, which remains one of the country's ... "hard landings"."




from the New York Times


by Milt Freudenheim

"Olsten to Pay $61 Million in MEDICARE Billing Case"

" The OLSTEN Corporation, a big provider of HOME HEALTH CARE and TEMPORARY Office Workers, said yesterday that it would pay $61 million, including $10 million in fines and penalties, to settle Federal investigations into MEDICARE billing practices.


[...] By agreeing to the GUILTY PLEA, OSLTEN based in Melville, NY, may be preparing to divest itself of Kimberly to keep the MEDICARE business of the parent company.

[...] Retaining the right to serve patients under Medicare and Medicaid, the Government health programs, is essential for hospital and home health care companies."



click here for class action lawsuit against UNISYS for SEC fraud

UNISYS also in a class action suit brought by angry engineers who were laid off by the hundreds and hundreds a few years ago for reaching the age of 35!!!

UNISYS defended in court by Epstein Becker & Green


In Rodolico v. Unisys Corp., CV 95-3653 (ADS), the employer was sued over the layoff of 232 unionized engineers. The plaintiffs allege that there was age discrimination in the selection of engineers to be laid off. The collective bargaining agreement between Unisys and its engineers was negotiated by the company and Local 444 of the Engineers Union. The bargaining agreement created a seniority system within Unisys, and called for a distribution of layoffs between three tiers of seniority, with one senior engineer being laid off for every two middle-level engineers and every three junior engineers.


from the Sunday New York Times

by David Cay Johnston

"Costs and Safeguards Are at Issue After Lawsuit and Internal Audit"

[excerpted from the original]

"A quarter-century ago, Congress created the PENSION BENEFIT GUARANTY CORP. to make sure that the 42 million workers with traditional pensions would get paid even if the EMPLOYER went BANKRUPT. The legislation was hailed at the time as second only to SOCIAL SECURITY in its significance to working Americans.


How well that agency operates is now being questioned in a series of audits by the Agency's Inspector General, which are to be made public this week, and by a lawsuit charging that one of the pension agency's contractors [OFFICE SPECIALISTS Temporary Employment agency] DEFRAUDED it.

[...] Two Republican Senators ... said that hearings would be held by SEPTEMBER to investigate how well the Agency is run and why ... half of the 472,000 people covered by failed pension plans [due to their employers having conveniently filed bankruptcy] ... have not been told how much they are due [.].

[...] The audits, the lawsuit and the hearings come as Congressional Republicans are gearing up for a battle to pass major changes in the

Employee Retirement Income Security Act [ERISA]

that have long been sought by major corporations and business owners.

[...] the Pension Agency, which received five awards from Vice President Al Gore for improving efficiency and customer service, had reduced the backlog of people waiting to hear how much they are due [.].

Our Unemployment Figures are a Hoax!

A temp agency hires minimum wage lackies to phone "Leave it to Beaver" households and ask if they "are employed" via a small telephone home survey!

By Reuters -- [abridged]

U.S. payrolls outside the farm sector fell by 43,000 in September, in contrast to the 5,000 gain private economists had predicted, the Labor Department said.

Although economic forecasters look to both the payrolls series and the unemployment rate as gauges of the job market and the overall economy, many put more weight on the signals offered by the payrolls survey.

``They are two different surveys. They measure two different things,'' BLS economist Howard Hayghe told Reuters.

"... any time you have payrolls falling, you're taking much needed wind out of the sails of the economic recovery," Yamarone said.

The payrolls data are based on a survey of real employers, while a commercial small poll of households is used to calculate the U.S. official unemployment rate!

BLS's Hayghe said that among other differences in the two surveys, the small commercial household survey includes self-employed people while the hard payroll series does not. He said that recently, the household survey has been greatly boosted by the number of teenage workers who have held on to their summer jobs, to the detriment of unemployed masses, rather than leaving the workforce -- as many use to do in the fall.

"This time of year the official telephone based household unemployment data are more subject to inaccurate seasonal swings," he said.



While European countries have maintained huge social-service programs and paid for them with high unemployment, the United States sharply curtailed its best-known welfare program in the mid-1990's.

But the current downturn is beginning to expose an uncomfortable truth: the American economy looks more like Europe's than most people ever imagined during the 1990's.

Millions of people, particularly men, dropped out of the labor force over the last decade, apparently unable to find work that pays near what they once earned in the blue-collar jobs that have since moved to lower-wage countries. Neither employed nor looking for work, they are not counted in the official U.S. jobless rate statistics, and a surprising and growing number of them instead depend on a government check to get by.

In the last two years, the official jobless rate has risen and an additional three million people appear to have dropped out of the labor force. Today, the real level of unemployment for men probably approaches the level of the recession-mired early 80's [close to 20% like in East Germany today].

Robert H. Topel, an economist at the University of Chicago and author of the most detailed recent study of the changes, says: "Employment opportunities for the less skilled are not what they used to be, so people just leave the labor force."

To pay their monthly bills, many of these missing workers have turned to disability insurance, a government program under Social Security that has become the centerpiece of the new American state. Since 1990, the number of people receiving disability pay has nearly doubled, to 5.4 million, and the government now spends far more on the program than it does for food stamps or unemployment insurance.

People who once may have worked through injuries or chronic pain, particularly those without a college education, are increasingly making a choice economic planners did not foresee. They have decided a government benefit, in the form of the roughly $800 in average monthly disability pay, is more attractive than any job.

They make up the biggest group that has left the labor force and help depress the unemployment rate.

The growth of the prison population ? to about 2 million today, up from 1.1 million in 1990 and 500,000 in 1980 ? has made another large group of people dependent on the government. [these prisoners and parolees are considered "employed" by our Labor Department].

Other labor-force dropouts are harder to count because the government does not support them. Some have moved in with friends or family, economists say. Still others, caring for children or retired, while their spouse works, are properly not counted as unemployed. [many turn to crime as the last hope of survival].

Some of the biggest beneficiaries [of the 1990s latch-key household syndrome] were women, who poured into the job market and whose wages crept closer to men's. Today, 63 million women hold a job, up almost 9 million from a decade ago, according to the Labor Department.

But even the economy of the late 90's failed to reverse the gradual overall increase in the number of men dropping out of the labor force. It also could not halt the long-term rise in the duration of unemployment for those people who kept looking for work and therefore appeared in the official "employed" statistics.


Many of these workers have now been out of the job market for long enough that they may never come back. If they do, they are almost certain to make much less than they once did, economists say.

"People used to drift in and out of the labor force," said Mr. Topel, whose co-authors were Chinhui Juhn at the University of Houston and Kevin M. Murphy at Chicago. "Now, leaving the labor force is more like death ? you leave and you don't come back."

A clear sign of the labor market's quiet troubles has long been evident, though its significance was obscured by the falsified "official" jobless rate. While unemployment was supposedly falling over the last 20 years, the median hourly wage has grown only about 6 percent, after adjusting for inflation, according to the Labor Department.

Reflecting workers' meager bargaining power, the Census Bureau said last week that income for the typical household had fallen in 2001 for the second consecutive year. The poverty rate rose.

With scant reason to think that the economy will grow rapidly in the next couple of years, the labor market's woes present a serious challenge for government.

The country can cut benefits at a time when joblessness is rising and leave relatively unskilled workers to fend for themselves. Or it can maintain and expand a safety net that is already larger than many people had thought, possibly giving more discouraged workers reason to depend on a government check.

LAST week, a mostly Democratic group of senators introduced a bill that would extend unemployment benefits to the same length as in the recession of the early 90's. As for the disability program, even without any legislative changes its costs will rise 15 percent to $69 billion this year, according to the Social Security Administration. Containing those costs would require cracking down on people with bad backs or carpel-tunnel syndrome and few good job prospects.

The country now faces a series of difficult decisions balancing the ideals of a free market with those of a humane economic policy. Only a few years ago, compromises did not seem necessary.

[...] One employee of the Agency, who calls himself Jim Dough, to avoid any RETRIBUTION, has filed a LAWSUIT on behalf of the Agency against one of its biggest Contractors,


[...] The Dough lawsuit, unsealed on March 18 by a Federal District Court judge in Baltimore, says that a senior Pension Agency official, Bennie L. Hagans Jr., steered business to OFFICE SPECIALISTS, which received a number of contracts WITHOUT competitive bidding, and ordered PAYMENTS [to the temp agency] to be


The suit also asserts that Mr. Hagans improperly intervened when Myrna Cooks, the Office Specialists' liaison to the Pension Agency, quit to form her own company and was sued by Office Specialists for violating her employment contract. Mr. Hagans, the lawsuit asserts, "threatened Office Specialists" with a loss of business from the pension agency unless it dropped its suit against Mrs. Cooks and let her assume an Office Specialists' contract valued at $13.5 million. Office Specialists then settled with Mrs. Cooks, whose business, operated out of her home, was awarded the contract.


WE SALUTE the efforts of BARRIE PETERSON, Director of the Bergen County Employment Action Project, the UNION-backed non-profit organization that is coordinating the New Jersey efforts to develop and promote a CODE FOR TEMP AGENCIES, and commend anyone who can implement a federally mandated CODE OF CONDUCT for all USA temp agencies.

Congrats also to Charles Taylor of the South Carolina Alliance, who is working as hard as Barrie Peterson, and the People of San Jose, California, who are also making sure the


, a $60 billion a year lobby group in DC, receives plenty of NEGATIVE ATTENTION!!

We have nothing but CONTEMPT for radio station


an NPR corporate controlled mouthpiece for WALL STREET values. Feb. 4th, 2000, they let EDWARD LANGE, of the American Staffing Association, mouth off ZILLIONS of lies, without correcting him, or allowing CALL-IN listeners much time at all to say more than "Hi. I'm Frank from Brooklyn," or cutting off a veteran who was complaining on-air about the 22% to 49% profit his temp agency made off his graphics work, billing the client as much as they paid him (i.e. a TEMP earning $12/hr. will see his client billed $24/hr. by the temp agency, in general practice).

Paid Corporate Stooges EXCAVATING Your Personal & Confidential VIRTUAL ON-LINE Unprotected




January 26, 2000

Chase Manhattan Bank cut a deal with an unnamed Denver Internet company to share their CREDIT CARD FILES and HOME MORTGAGE clients files on more than 18 million of their customers for a 24% COMMISSION on all sales made to these 18 million VIOLATED credit card holders and home mortgage customers by the undisclosed Denver internet company.

Pharmaceutical records are also being shared across the nation at an alarming rate. U.S. Citizens have vitually NO LEGAL RECOURSE to sustain even a modicum of privacy pertaining to their confidential electronic files since Congress REPEALED last year a depression-era law (GLASS STEAGALL ACT) that had restricted banks from entering the securities and insurance industries. This REPEAL made it a free-for-all for jointly owned corporations to share data on their customers, OPENING UP THE DOOR for virtual ACCESS on nearly any U.S. citizen and their confidential portfolios.

All EUROPEAN nation's to date have IRON-CLAD legal restrictions against such BLATANT CORPORATE


U.S. Federal Government officials have completely stepped back from protecting U.S. citizens. There is currently only a FEEBLE PATCHWORK of Privacy Laws in any way protecting Americans from total loss of


privacy over their personal and confidential records.

Jim Finn, spokesman for Chase Manhattan, says that this kind of snafu "... does make it easier for customers to understand their rights ... [and] gives the customer, in the end, more CHOICE."

from the "Chain Store Age" trade magazine

TOYS 'R' US --- FINED $200,000

by Dept. of Labor for CHILD LABOR VIOLATIONS

[excerpted from an article written by Washington DC correspondent Ken Rankin]


"[...] The debate over the national minimum wage and the Clinton administration's plans for raising it to $6.15 per hour, will resume early in the 2000 Congressional session as supporters of the proposal appear confident that they have enough votes to push it through this year. Retail industry lobbyists and other opponents of a rising pay floor are resigned to the prospect that some mimimum-wage legislation is likely to be enacted.

[...] In what may be the first in a new wave of such actions, the Labor Department's Wage and Hour Division accused TOYS R US of a series of federal child-labor violations involving more than 300 fourteen and fifteen year old store employees in New England. (To resolve the complaint, the chain [TOYS R US] agreed to pay a $200,000 fine and to assign color-coded name badges to help store managers identify them more easily.).

[...] An even more heated controversy figures to flare up over the next few months involving the taxation of electronic commerce. Although Congress imposed a three-year moratorium on state or local taxes of Internet sales transactions, the blue-ribbon commission created to recommend a "level-playing-field" solution to this problem now appears to be hopelessly deadlocked.

[...] There will also be opportunities for the industry to support legislative corrections in laws that have proved troublesome for retailers in the past. During the coming year, for example, Congress will be debating a newly introduced LEGAL EMPLOYMENT AUTHENTICATION PROGRAM (LEAP) ACT, designed to make it easier for retailers and other employers to verify the immigration status of newly hired workers."



by Dana Canedy

"[...] the appointment of John Eyler, FAOs chairman and chief executive, comes at a critical time for Toys "R" Us. The company, which has been operating without a permanent chief executive since August [SEE STORY


ABOVE from "Chain Store Age"], had a dismal Christmas despite Pokemon madness."


[excerpted from USA TODAY, by Owen Ullmann]

"[...] The Senate minimum-wage increase was passed as an amendment to a bankruptcy-reform bill that would make it harder for people to walk away from credit-card debts. That measures's fate is uncertain.

An increase would benefit 4.4 million workers who earn the current minimum wage of $5.15 an hour and another 7 million making SLIGHTLY more, who also would get a raise.

Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., assailed the GOP proposal as "a TURKEY with three right wings." He complained that it would stretch out the wage increase, eliminate overtime pay for millions of workers and give "juicy tax breaks" to the WEALTHY."

click here for PART TWO of Temp Slaves!


click here MICROSOFT uss temps to avoid shelling out PROFITS!!!

[...] Jesse P. Schaudies, General Counsel for RANDSTAD North America, a subsidiary of the DUTCH company that owns OFFICE SPECIALISTS, said "we have no basis for believing there was anything improper" in its dealing with the Pension Agency."

Editor's Note: Randstad also owns now ACCUSTAFF, so watch your BIG BROTHER's Ass ... cause Office Specialists, Accustaff, and hordes of other temp megaliths are all under ONE Monolith now!!!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO 2nd of THREE part series --- you have just read Part III !!



Free counters provided by

American capitalism was stunned by yet another catastrophe on June 26 when MCI WorldCom, the nation's second largest long-distance carrier, admitted that it had doctored its books to hide massive losses.

The humbled behemoth, whose stock is now virtually worthless, admits that $3.8 billion in funds it did not have


were added to its cash flow account.

As with Enron, and again with the assistance of Arthur Anderson's accounting firm, a massive minus was turned into a multi-billion-dollar plus on WorldCom's books. The idea was to prettify the figures in order to stabilize WorldCom's rapidly declining stock prices.

Even before the "accounting error" was "discovered," MCI WorldCom knew the jig was up. It was the subject of a federal accounting investigation; it was hard pressed to refinance its $30 billion debt, and its credit rating was reduced to junk bond status.

To stem the tide and reverse its declining stock price (from $62 in 1999 to 26 cents per share today), the crippled corporation, now on the verge of bankruptcy, reported profits of $1.4 billion last year and first quarter profits of $130 million in 2002. WorldCom now admits it lost money in both periods but has declined to state precise figures.

WorldCom executives announced that 17,000 additional workers would be fired, as they tried to salvage the company's remaining capital for the ruling-class few who are still in charge. Meanwhile, their banking creditors are rushing to court to prevent WorldCom's executives from running away with the loans they granted before being privy to the impending collapse

The scope of the WorldCom disaster has frightened even the most conservative of observers. WorldCom's value in June 1999 was listed at $115.3 billion. It is now worth less than $1 billion.

WorldCom is not alone in the world of major corporate fraud and failure. The nation's sixth largest cable television operator, Adelphia Communications, virtually simultaneously joined the parade of major multi- billion-dollar operations that are headed for the bankruptcy courts.


ADELPHIA's problems began when it was revealed that it had loaned at undisclosed terms at least $3.1 billion to the company's major shareholders, the Rigas family.

Meanwhile, the Xerox Corporation admitted it had "misstated" its earnings for previous years-to the tune of $6.4 billion. Top executives for drug store giant RITE AID have been indicted for an accounting fraud that inflated the company's earnings by $1.6 billion.

Even homemaking expert Martha Stewart, head of a company with billions of dollars in assets, was embroiled in scandal for "insider" stock-trading.

MCI WORLDCOM follows in the footsteps of other bankrupt corporations, like ENRON and GLOBAL CROSSING, whose top executives resorted to every means necessary, including fraud and theft, to compete in the ruthless capitalist market place, where profit and profit rates are under tremendous pressure.


Profit, under capitalism, is a product of the exploitation of workers. But the absolute necessity of introducing labor-replacing machinery to remain competitive, while temporarily resulting in improved bottom lines, has in the long run led to one corporate meltdown after another.

How to smash Global Crossing, a cover for corrupt Pentagon military brass who play the market with YOUR tax dollars!!

This website provides information and updates regarding Jagdeo Ramkissoon, et al. v. Gary Winnick, et

al. This class action was filed on behalf of all persons who were participants in or beneficiaries of the Global Crossing Ltd. Employees' Retirement Savings Plan, from September 28, 1999 to the present (the "Class Period"). The Complaint was filed in federal court in the Central District of California, Western Division.

The Complaint alleges that during the Class Period the defendants breached their fiduciary duties when executives officers of Global Crossing were made aware of numerous practices that made Global

Crossing stock an inappropriate Plan investment during the Class Period. The fiduciaries failed in their duty to disclose and inform the 401(k) participants regarding this information. Instead they encouraged participants and beneficiaries of the Plan to continue to make and maintain substantial investments in the Company Stock Funds in the Plan.

This case was filed against the following administrators and directors of the Plan and the directors and/or officers of Global Crossing: Gary Winnick, Dan J. Cohrs, Thomas J. Casey, David A. Walsh, Joseph P. Clayton, Lodwrick M. Cook, Mark Attanasio, Norman Brownstein, William S. Cohen, William E. Conway, Jr., Eric Hippeau, Geoffrey J.W. Kent, Maria Elena Lagomasino, John L. Comparin, Bill Norris, K.P. Schirmuhly, Steven J. Green, Barra Rogers Casey. In addition, Plaintiffs have sued the individual members of the Company's Employee Benefits Committee during the Class Period and the individual members of the Company's Board of Directors who participated in the Plan's investment policies during the Class Period, whose identities are currently unknown.

Case Status:

Consolidated Amended Master Class Action Complaint of ERISA [Plaintiffs] 01/27/03 (247k, PDF)

Transfer Order re: Global Crossing Ltd. Securities & "ERISA" Litigation (126k, PDF)

The law firm of Keller Rohrback LLP, headquartered in Seattle with an affiliated office in Phoenix, maintains this website to keep class members informed and up to date regarding the proceedings in the Global Crossing ERISA litigation. Keller Rohrback handles complex litigation and class actions such as ERISA 401(k) litigation. Keller Rohrback and its co-counsel serve as lead or co-lead counsel in a class action on behalf of employees in 401(k) litigation involving the following companies:

Enron, WorldCom, Providian, Williams Companies, Xerox, CMS Energy, BellSouth, CIGNA Corp., Dynegy, Electronic Data Systems [Ross Perot], HealthSouth, Household International

and Lucent Technologies. Additionally, Keller Rohrback is involved in 401(k) litigation with respect to the following companies: Conseco, Fujitsu and Tyco.




Rochester, NY -- Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter today called for Congressional investigations of Global Crossing. In letters to the House Finance Committee and the House Education & Workforce Committee, Rep. Slaughter asked the committees to investigate Global Crossing?s questionable business practices related to employees and retirees 401(k) plans. Rep. Slaughter made her comments today at a news conference with Global Crossing employees, retirees and union representatives. Global Crossing?s North American headquarters are located in Slaughter?s Congressional District of Rochester, NY.

In the wake of the Enron scandal, we have the responsibility to investigate allegations of similar practices by other companies,? said Slaughter. ?Retirees and current employees need to be assured that the company followed the letter of the law as global crossing reorganizes.?

Congresswoman Slaughter called for the Congressional investigation after reviewing published reports of Global Crossing?s bankruptcy filing, and hearing from current employees and retirees of Frontier and Global Crossing. In her letter to the Chairman of a House Finance Subcommittee, Slaughter raises concerns regarding the company?s 401(k) plan, and the employees ability to sell company stock in their retirement plans. In a similar letter to the Chairman of the House Education and Workforce Committee, Congresswoman Slaughter asks the committee to investigate whether the handling of Global Crossing?s pension plan is consistent with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). ERISA is the federal law that governs private pension plans.

Congress needs to investigate companies like Global Crossing to determine if there are changes that need to be made to either federal law or regulations, said Slaughter.

H1-B Visas -- June 19, 2003


Q: Can I get H-1B status through sponsorship through my own company? I'm here on H-1B professional worker status, working for a fitness company. I may lose my my job in August, so I'm thinking of starting my own business. It would operate in the United States and Bermuda. If I start my own company, can my company sponsor me for H-1B status and put me in an easier position than somebody American who is seeking work?

A: You can form a company and your company can petition for H-1B status for you. Readers may recall that H- 1B temporary worker status is available for people with a four-year college degree or the equivalent in education and experience [this freedom of "or equivalent experience" does NOT apply to Americans seeking work in Canada under NAFTA regulations].

In H-1B cases, unlike in most employment-based immigrant categories, the employer need not prove that "a qualified U.S. worker is not available".

Because U.S. law considers a corporation and its owner to be separate entities, a corporation can sponsor its owner for H-1B status, even if the sponsored employee solely owns the corporation, such as in your case. Welcome to America, land for part time immigrants and not nearly so good for its own citizens!


SPECIAL VISAS a boost to Silicon Alley

New York Daily News; New York, N.Y.; Oct 4, 2000;



Words in Document: 514


Companies typically pay transportation from the home country, visa fees and temporary housing allowances. "It's $10,000 or more to bring one person to the U.S.," said [Shailesh Gala], who's also president of the Immigration Support Network, an organization with more than 17,000 members.

According to the most recent figures from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, such major high-tech

firms as Motorola, Oracle, ...

PERMATEMPS: WHAT ARE THEY? click here now ...


U.S. Unemployment Rate Reaches 20%

"Layoffs increased more sharply in New York than in any other state in September 2002, according to new data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. The number of New Yorkers left jobless by layoffs of 50 or more workers rose by 5,035 compared with the same month last year. In all 11,213 New Yorkers lost their jobs in September because of large massive layoffs. The state was the third-hardest hit in total workers laid off [above New Mexico Indian reservations]. Big reductions occurred in temporary employment agencies [as big as the airline layoffs], and in transportation [not very many workers need to commute into a city with barely any jobs]."


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