OUR DEPT. OF COMMERCE playing their hand in satellite spy warfare and jet aircraft near the eye of Katrina-- and you thought they just monitored trade with China, eh?!
Posted By: billym <Send E-Mail>
Date: Sunday, 4 September 2005, 1:01 p.m.
Indication of Scalar Weather Engineering?
Deconstructing Katrina:
HAARP & GWEN Scalar Signatures --
FEMA WILL STEAL YOUR PROPERTY FROM YOU IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS!Kent Steadman has found a remarkable photo of Katrina which shows a very strange anomaly which MAY be indication of weather engineering.
He suggests it is some kind of "ion beam." Kent has always done excellent work in following the scalar weather wars. Here is the picture he uncovered:
What the hell IS that thing? It is time for us all to start educating ourselves on these matters because Tom Bearden says he imagines that EVERY major weather event from now on will probably be partially engineered. In the case of Katrina he estimates a 70% chance it was "pumped up" to category 5 status with longitudinal wave interferometers ("Tesla howitzers").
The picture above is still at its souce site at NOAA: links to scalar weather engineering
The scalar weapons are "aimed" via an EM grid called the "woodpecker grid." Scalar waves pass right through matter but will flow along EM (electromagnetic) structures as if they were wires. The woodpecker grid was started up by the Russian on July 4, 1976. If you listen to the pulses transduced to sound they sound like a woodpecker pecking, hence the name. By a means I do not yet understand any "cell" in this grid can be selected as the target zone for the two intersecting beams which make up a scalar weapon. You can read Tom Bearden's explanation of the grid here:
"These transmitters have apparently never been precisely located by U.S. intelligence, but their beams carry much of the characteristics of an over-the-horizon (OTH) radar. They have been dubbed OTH-radars by U.S. intelligence, and can without question perform that mission, in addition to some very interesting missions which U.S. intelligence does not assess. "Bearden has a wav file of the woodpecker grid sound here: there is scalar activity in an area of the woodpecker grid the clouds tend to form in patterns which reveal the underlying invisible grid. Bearden has a selection of such cloud formations here:
Another absolutely MUST SEE site is made by Scott Stevens, a meteorologist who is documenting the ongoing weather wars at his site
SCOTT STEVENS brings us the following ... thank you scott!
"It's worse than imaginable," the president said after walking through a battered neighborhood in Biloxi, Miss. He warned of gasoline supply problems this weekend because of damaged refineries and pipelines.
"I'm not looking forward to this trip," Bush said as he toured Alabama and Mississippi and headed for Louisiana. "It's as if the entire Gulf Coast were obliterated by the worst kind of weapon you can imagine," he said.
I whole heartedly agree with the President on this fact!
29 August 2005 1425Z Katrina makes landfall Monday morning. Many scalar signatures visible as the hurricane rolls over the marshy lowlands of southeastern Louisiana.
August 29, 2005 2225Z 6:25pm Eastern
Katrina is now well inland but still a category one hurricane. Scalar geometry litters the core of this massive tropical storm.
August 28 2005 2310Z Katrina still south of the Mississippi the evening before landfall.
28 August 2005 2310Z A beautiful satellite presentation of the eye while below winds roar at 155mph!
29 August 2005 2310Z A closer view and just five minutes later than the previous image.
26 August 2005 2115Z Off of the West coast of Florida while Katrina undergoes rapid intensification. Many, many odd holes bounded by squares.
27 August 2005 2203Z Intensification continues in the Gulf Saturday afternoon.
29 August 2005 2032Z Late Monday afternoon as Katrina continues her push inland. This is the western portion of the storm displaying many holes used as anchoring points for thunderstorm development.
30 August 2005 1445Z Thunderstorms from one of the feeder bands on the eastern side of Katrina. What caught my attention was the odd shape of the thunderstorms, but also just how similar in shape the two clusters of storms are.
30 August 2005 2315Z 715pm Eastern A very low sun angle on the remnants of Katrina Tuesday evening reveal the intricate detail to be seen in the clouds that are made visible by the play of shadows across the cloud tops. Note the large diagonal square across southern Indiana with the top of the square being toward the top center frame.
30 August 2005 2330Z Note the diamond/square impression with a large and similarly shaped grouping of storms toward the north and east across southwestern Ohio.
1 September 2005 2145Z 415pm Central Southern Louisiana I saved this satellite image the Thursday afternoon after landfall... It has nothing to do with Katrina; but it is a fantastic illustration of the capabilities to generate clouds and thunderstorms electrically. Note the two long thunderstorm 'boxes' that lie on the eastern portion of this large storm grouping. Within the boxes one can the the straight lines that comprise the square thunderstorms. There is absolutely zero chance that this is natural, zero.
22 August 2005 1300Z 800am Local Time Mid Tennessee More odd geometry found in the morning thunderstorms over the Mid South. A beautiful pentagon in manifestation north of Nashville. This organization of the weather occurs each and every hour of the day 365 days a year. So many of these odd shapes are parked over the major metro areas of this country and of other nations. You are witnessing a clear a present demonstration of the prowess of this technology. Folks, our weather has been stolen from us, and is now being used against us! Congress is too busy passing bad energy bills for the petrol companies to give a damn about the important issues that face us each and every day.
One measure that some secret, but not hidden, operation of the military has deployed against this EM (electromagnetic) scalar warfare is the contrail marking program. This program has deployed a fleet of aircraft, impressive in number, that fly the skies leaving trails that spread out making portions of these EM waves visible. It is like drawing a chalk line over a chessboard where the individual squares that comprise that chessboard are being heated/expanded, cooled/contracted, pushed, lifted, and ionized. There appear to be at least four separate types/mixtures of contrails deployed to ascertain/provide surveillance to the military as to what is happening with the atmosphere in near real time. These planes have very specific flight paths, aligned with energy bursts or extractions, and are not generally broadcasting this chemical mixture into the sky.
In the above image.. The bottom arrow points to one of these EM energy deposit points used to create a cirrus-like cloud. This energy point must then have an opposite pole (+/-) much like a battery; the second arrow points to that second pole. Note that the contrail plane found that point exactly.. Thus clearly demonstrating the precision that these planes use while doing their jobs.
Andrew Johnson shot this image of contrails planes in action over his home 14th June 2005 over in the United Kingdom.
Contrail operations have largely ceased throughout the Western US during July and much of August 2005 as the planes have been needed with Katrina and other tropical storms this season. As activity in the tropics winds down expect these aircraft to return to their normal zones of operation.
Rochester, New York February 2005
I frequently talk about the atmosphere having been cut-up into a massive grid with each grid section being programmable in both depth and height; this image sent to me illustrates this concept very nicely. This is a thin wedge of a cloud that looks to have been caught between two of these grid sections; like mortar between bricks.
This web site, and the knowledge that comes with it, will be wholly new information for the majority of people that stop by for a visit. and the many other sites that have been published to the web are there in an attempt to rouse the people from their everyday lives to what is presently happening in our skies. We have been a fortunate nation, one where luxury seems to have been a birthright. Those days are now behind us as this nation is now receiving the 'blowback' from poor political decisions made recently and also from generations ago. This is why our political leadership must always be held accountable for their actions and inactions so we don't find ourselves painted into a corner that has no apparent way out of. We will all be charged with finding the strength of getting through the challenges we will soon face as individuals, families, communities, and as a still great nation. But our world view must change. The Whole of Humanity must be looked at as an _expression of the Prime Creator and not as separate tribes, faiths, races, and countries. That past world view has brought us to the situation we face today; and is wholly unacceptable on all accounts. We must begin to change ourselves and thereby begin a longed-for transformation of society into one that honors the individual as much as the whole. No one should ever be asked to sacrifice their life's potential for the rest. Arriving at that situation is a demonstration of the failure of the political arm/process and the lack of respect for the gift of life that has been granted equally to each of us. The time for this change to begin has arrived.
Keep looking up!
--Scott Stevens
4 September 2005