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Stupid Comments of the Day

Stupid Comment of 2/27/02:
"Kids, don't use matches; flamethrowers are ten times more efficiant!" -Joe

Stupid Comment of 2/28/02:
"My sister is smart."

Stupid Comment of 3/1/02:
"Speak softly and carry a big stick. Or, speak loudly and hide your small stick."

Stupid comment of 3/2/02:
Spending extensive time in female company can be mentally disorientating and physically confusing.

Stupid Comment of 3/3/02:
"Mom, if the dogs hadn't died, would they still be alive?" -Dillon

Stupid Comment of 3/4/02
"... Pass the corn, I smell butter." -Dillon

Stupid Comment of 3/5/02
"If ya drop a hundred feet, you're dead. Ya drop any more, that's just more time to pray." -Mark

Stupid Comment of 3/6/02
I don't need to outrun the bear. I just need to outrun YOU.

Stupid Comment of 3/7/02:
Five years later, the snail came back to the door which Bobby had tossed him and said ,"What did you do that for?" - Boy's Life

Stupid Comment of 3/8/02:
"You mean they'd burn dead people alive?" -Dillon

Stupid Comment of 3/9/02:
"That lady over there is mean!" "Oh. Is she a bus driver?" -Gabe and Dillon

Stupid Comment of 3/10/02:
"Hey, what's a mountain goat doin' on a cloudbank?" asked the Pilot. -On The Far Side

Stupid Comment of 3/31/02
"When you fall off a cliff, it isn't the fall that kills you; it's that sudden stop." -Mark

Stupid Comment of 3/32/02

Stupid Comment of 4/2/02:
"It's time to Pop out of this boat like Hot Popcorn!" leap... flop -Beau

Stupid Comment of 4/3/02:
"If you die, you're dead for life!" -Beau, the Popcorn Maiden

Stupid Comment of 4/4/02:
"Don't touch our food supply! We might be forced to live underground for thousands of years!" "... So you've got three melons?" -Ice Age

Stupid Comment of 4/5/02:
"You're about as dedicated as a Kamikaze Pilot on his 27th mission."

Stupid Comment of 4/6/02:
"The sky is up there, oh, oh." -Mr. Ducworth

Stupid Comment of 4/7/02:
The Ambassador of Nog sends greetings from the Noggin Queen to the revered Albanian Squirrel High Priest. -The Ambassador of Nog

Stupid Comment of 4/9/02:
"You know, that thing, that like, you put food in and press the little number thingies? The macro something?" "The Microwave?" "Yeah!"-Brianna

Stupid Comment of 4/10/02:
The next day... (Moo Moo Girl trying to bother Brianna) "Now, um, um, what's that thing called? You know that you put the stuff in and press the little number thingies?" "A cash register?" -Brianna

Stupid Comment of 4/11/02:
"Plants aren't carnivores! They're herbivores!" -Brianna (She never fails to disappoint us, does she?)

Stupid Comment of 4/12/02:
He fell up, then threw down. -Falling Up

Stupid Comment of 5/1/02:
"Over here!" "Where's there?" -Morgan and Dustin

Stupid Comment of 5/15/02:
You might be a wannabe biker if you bring $200 wine to your gang's drinking party.

Stupid Comment of 5/23/02:
Never sniff a gift fish. -Finley, from Never Sniff a Gift Fish

Stupid Comment of 6/4/02:
"Fair is fair, Larry. We're out of food. We drew straws... You lost." -Of the Wall Last Impressions Calender

Stupid Comment of 6/5/02:
You might be a redneck if you have at least one singing bass in at least three different rooms of your home.

Stupid Comment of 6/6/02:
I know what Victoria's Secret is... That no one of the age of 20 or over can fit into her products. -Super Laugh