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Combining Performance and Price to get the Best Computer
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Thank You Sir, for your remarks, but you seem to contradict yourself. First, you said that we were comparing speed, but then you said the following:

"However, in a direct comparison, the Mac would win. The Mac has better customer satisfaction, quality, reliability, durability, and looks, while all the peecee has is speed. Besides, all that speed just creates an even more joyful crunch when it crashes."

This contradiction says that you really don't know what you are talking about. Also, you can't really prove opinions.
Thank You

Posted by electronic2/me0 at 5:33 PM EDT
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
pwning peecees for fun!
Sorry that your peecee createed blog posted my last message twice. You should read it twice anyway. Hopefully then you can come up with a real comeback.

By the way, I hope you know that you cannot compare 1.25 Ghz to 3.4 Ghz. Those two computers were not built for the same purpose, and thus cannot be compared.

However, in a direct comparison, the Mac would win. The Mac has better customer satisfaction, quality, reliability, durability, and looks, while all the peecee has is speed. Besides, all that speed just creates an even more joyful crunch when it crashes.


Posted by mac2/phishy at 10:42 PM EDT
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Sunday, May 29, 2005

Mood:  spacey
Can we please compare the processor speed?
I happen to know that the processor in a mac has a far slower clock time than a "pee cee". If you can tell me how a 1.25 Ghz mac can rn faster than a 3.4Ghz pc, I would be very interested.

Posted by electronic2/me0 at 5:02 PM EDT
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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Now Playing: No Brains - Sum 41
Remember that I am allowed to say 'PeeCees suck' because unlike you, I have proven why Macs are better several times, while all you have done is make elementary remarks that you cannot back up.

Please never try out for a debate team.

Posted by mac2/phishy at 5:06 PM EDT
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That's what I thought
Now Playing: Blind Faith - Dream Theater

You can't think of any decent reason why PeeCees are better than Macs, so you hope to drop he subject by not saying anything and hoping I will leave.

Instead, I will wait, and if you cannot prove in any way at all that PeeCees are better than Macs for any reason other than saying 'Macs suck' or something related, then we will all know that PEECEES SUCK.

Posted by mac2/phishy at 5:03 PM EDT
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Thursday, May 12, 2005

People buy PeeCees because they are cheap

People buy Macs because they are good computers

Many people who use PeeCees switch to Macs. Nobody who uses a Mac switches to a PeeCee.

Posted by mac2/phishy at 10:02 PM EDT
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Mood:  d'oh
First, the emac does have a flat screen.

The value of a Mac is a lot better than the value of a PeeCee. People are always complaining about how their computer breaks. You might notice that none of these people own Macs. Nearly every person who has bought a Mac loves it.

PeeCees are cheap because nobody is willing to pay very much for them (HMM I WONDER WHY?), but people are willing to spend much more on Macs.

Posted by mac2/phishy at 3:36 PM EDT
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
How about the e-mac
The mac "value" is horrible. If you are stupid enough to go buy a mac... well, yeah!!!bobd

Posted by electronic2/me0 at 9:07 PM EDT
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Mood:  d'oh
also, its nearly impossible to find a Mac without a flat screen

Posted by mac2/phishy at 8:51 PM EDT
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Mood:  d'oh
Sorry, computers don't have tags attached to them, so its physically impossible to look at the price tag.

Although you can get a top of the line PC for less than a Mac, when you're talking about PeeCees, 'top of the line' really isn't saying much.

Posted by mac2/phishy at 8:50 PM EDT
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Thanks Mac Dude
Mood:  loud
Macs might be good, but


You can get a top of the line PC with a flat screen for the price of a crappy mac!

If you don't beleive me, compare:
apple store

Posted by electronic2/me0 at 9:13 PM EDT
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Sunday, April 24, 2005

GET A MAC!!!!!!!!!!

We all know they're well worth the money, and on April 29, Apple is releasing a new operating system!

Posted by mac2/phishy at 8:58 PM EDT
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Friday, April 15, 2005
Help- Please
Topic: I need a new computer
Can someone please help me to choose a new computer? Mine is really old and I desperately need a new one, but my budget is limited and I dont know which kind to get. I obviosly want it to be fast, but I have limited funds and I need help. Thanks- Nick

Posted by electronic2/me0 at 6:19 PM EDT
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