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1. Name:

Rhys Dawson- rhys means "that big fuzzy guy with the hair" and Dawson means "son of daw" as far as I can tell anyway.

2. Ever seen a ghost?

i don't think so, but i do remember standing over some little kids bed in a past life, i was smiling, i think

3. Do you wish on stars?

I tried to, but I kept accidentally wishing on orbiting satellites (are there any other kind)? So I gave up, especially after NASA called...

4. Which finger is you favorite?

i dunno, ask my girlfriend

5. What is the most disgusting food you have ever eaten?

well, ive never really eaten disgusting food, but the weirdest has to be chilled monkey brains, they're really good thou, they taste sweet, kinda like meaty strawberries.

6. Would you kill somebody.

Yes, if anyone ever hurt my family or friends, or the need presented itself. i really hope it wouldn't come to that, however.

7. When did you last cry?

Im not sure, some point in time over the last semester. (btw, dont worry about question 6, i dont plan on that happening anytime soon, but it's better to be prepared about such things than have to do a gut check in the heat of the moment)

8.If you were making a movie about yourself, what actor would play you?

i think i would have to be animatronic, that way my head could shoot off and i could do really nifty things with my hands.

9.What TV show or movie best describes you life?

Well, my rooms look like a cross between battlebots and junkyard wars, people say I act like macguyver, but my life? I dunno…

10.Do you like your handwriting?

i prefer the term loosely ordered chicken scratch.

11. This is really wierd. I'm looking at this survey, and there isn't a question 11. I guess I'll make one up. Do you like to swim in jello?

i've tried swimming in jello, well, not really, but i did fall face down into a baby pool full of it at a party once, it feels just like water, only harder.

12. Who are you jealous of?

people that can do what they want, when they want, and dont give a damn about what anybody else thinks, oh wait, thats pretty much me, ummm, then, i dunno, probably shane, because he looks just so damn loveable when he dresses up like an oompa loompa.

13. What is the #1 priority in you life?

to develope interesting new uses for cold processed cheese food. umm, i dunno, i don't really have one, except not to end up doing a job i hate just to make a living. that way i dont have to get burnt out, divorce my wife, get a really big , fast car, and find some 20 year old bimbo that wants to get rich.

14. What is your favorit lunch meat?

i dont eat lunch, or is that the meal they serve when i get up?, umm, probably filet mingion, i think i had that for lunch once.

15. Do you have any bad habits?

yeah, i have this tendency to not blink enough when talking to people, so their eyes start to water for mine, also, i have this nasty tendency to scare the crap out of normal people, mike told me that people think im some sort of corruptor of minds, if corruption is just teaching somone to see things in a new light, i guess i am.

16. What store would you veneer(?) be caught dead in?(i know its supposed to be never, but i have this nasty habit of pointing out spelling mistakes, hey!, chalk up one more for no. 15!) The GAP, county seat, or any other store which helps contribute to the stereotypical image of teenagers and thus helps the public view of them to be images of criminals and not growing children.

17. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?

yes, because im good enough, im smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.

18. Are you a daredevil?

i've been doing tech for a little over ten years, how can i not be?

19. Do you follow or lead?

it depends, if i know how to get to the party, i lead.

20. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?

i only tell secrets when the consequences assoicated with not telling would be worse that telling(ie: death)

21. Have you ever stolen something?

yeah, mostly hearts.i don't know why though, mostly because im broke right around valentines day.

22. Do looks matter in a relationship?

yes, if your girlfriend isn't pretty to look at, it's much harder to realize that she's the most beautiful person in the world.(for all of you ladies that go "awwww!" at that, you should come over and look at my collection of cute puppy and baby pictures…)

23. Do you pray?

not in the technical term, sometimes i talk out loud, with the idea that somone, somewhere is listening. that and i pray to bob, he's the little green thing in my fridge that used to be bolonga, now he just sits there and eats fritos, but he's really cool, and he can tell you if the light actually goes out when you shut the door.

24. Have you ever met anyone famous?

oh jesus, lemme think, umm, i met rold dahl, that man is strange, lemme tell you, ive met several ambasadors, and a few prime ministers, oh yeah, i ran into the insane clown posse at a waho once.

25. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

Naah, spam thought they were chocolate coins and ate them.

26. Are you trendy?

yup, i cant set foot outside my house unless it's in nike or fila or reebock. every morning when i get up at the fashionable time, i run my abercrombie &fitch comb through my cute, short, boy band hair before donning the very latest tommy hillfigger and gap clothing, i dont even buy it anymore, i have flown in daily from the sweatshops in malaysia. i mean, come on, how can i not be trendy, anybody that knows me knows how trendy i am.

27. What do you do to vent anger?

i usually run it through some ductwork so it goes outside with out stinking up the place, in a few past cases however, i've had a contractor come in to do some custom work.(no, im not speaking metaphorically, i've got two fault lines running throuhg my house, so, in addition to having plenty of misdirected balme to go around, i need to get rid of the anger and frustration, i usually sell it to stoners, right before they go into the mosh pits, it counteracts the apathy quite well)

28. Are you passive or aggressive?

im pagressive, depending on the situation

29. Just how many obsession have you had?

did i ever tell you about my obsession with obsessions, i mean i love them, i just cant get enought of them, i love to obsess about every little detail, it's be cause im such a perfectionalst, i mean, if even one atom isnt right, no, screw that, if one top Quark is misplaced, hell even a couple of bottom quarks for all i care, it's not right, and the whole damn particle accelerator has to be realigned.

30. Who is your second family?

that would be jayjay, fuzzy, and the claw, they're what i got when i exchanged my sister at the circus.

31. Do you trust others easily?

i dunno, will you tell anyone?

32. What was you favorit toy as a child?

anything that would survive for more that two days(ask my parents), that and something called a kitchen magician, apparently i slept with it instead of the usual blender that children get.

33. What class in school did you think is totally useless?

the ones i got called out of bi-weekly, so mr masters could search my trenchcoat and bitch at me for not having anything more contraband than four spare tripile a's for my caculator.that and any art class taught by gisela nichols.

34. What is the puch-line to your favorite joke?

a brick (ask me when you've got a couple of hours)

35. Do you like love songs?

nope, i Luuuv love songs, actually, it depends, i hate that one from titanic, but "time of my life" from dirty dancing pretty much leaves me in tears every time i listen to it. must be that angsty, stuck in the 80's part of me.

36. Again, just like number 11, there is no question 36. Who wrote this thing anyway?

someone bored, that likes fwd's, which i usually don't answer, but hey,it's three in the morning, and i have to work tommorrow, why the hell not.

37. Which was you best halloween costume?

Hmm, not quite sure, I would say the year I went as a pimp, and teased my hair out into a ‘fro

38.Have you ever been on radio or television?

yeah, a few newspapers,too.

39. Do you keep a diary?

Sort of, I rant randomly on my webpage (

40. Have you ever intntionally hurt another person

yes, but barney deserved it.

41. Do you like sarcasm?

no, i like having my left nipple chewed on by lamount.

42. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?

yeah, is it good to be the only one left standing?

43. Do you always wear a seat belt?

yeah, it's much easier to keep from falling off the couch. you feel understood most on the time?

unfortunately, yes. it really is quite devestating for my angst.

45. Do you drink milk?

which kind?

46. Would you rather have a sore throut of an upset stomach?

i've never heard of those drinks.but i'll have a martini, you can mix it anyway you please.

47. Have you ever thought seriously about commiting suicide?

yeah, almost as seriously as i've though about shaving my head.

48. Do you know what mung4 is?

yup, it's the stock number for ungaro III, a mens colonge available from, for about 50 bucks a bottle.

49. What is you soap opera name?

ralph you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer or in seperate one?

i keep my crt's in the same drawer as my transformer coils, my clothes fight for space on my boxes and on the visible parts of my floor.

51. Did you pay money to see "Honey I Shrunk the Kids"

nope, but my parents did

52. Would you rather be hot or cold?

i'd rather be mauve

53. Did you cry when the Oklahoma City Bombing occurred?

No. I was furious. it really gets me when dumbass, inbread millita punk can't hold his wad, and has to go and do something that stupid, and make chemicals and materials for people that actually build that kind of stuff recreationally pretty much unavialable.

54. What is the first thing on you Christmas list?

which one?, my 3rd grade year i really wanted a monster truck, but i realized that was out of the question, so i asked for a decent quality, pre-owned compact car instead. i didnt get that either.

55. What was the best Christmas present you received?

i dunno, probably one of the years when my dad bought me about $200 worth of random wires, switches, fixtures, electronic components, etc, those were usually pretty cool, untill i learned how to build stun guns, then they stopped buying me that kind of stuff.

56. Could you be a vegetarian?

nope, i could probably eat one though.

57. What word do you use when you think of something bad?


58. What band has the funniest name?

5, im even willing to bet that they had to come up with four other choices before they found one they liked.

59. Would you ever bungee jump?

well, once i fell off a diving board with a bunch of surgical tubing caught around my leg, does that count?

60. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?

no, do i have to?

61. Who are you favorite white rappers?

Beastie Boys: the Other white rappers

62. Would you rather wear uniforms to school?

no, people that want to do that can join the military.

63. have you ever given money to a bum?

yeah,i usually give some change to the continuously pregnant woman on mccallie av.P>

64. What are you worried about right now?

what bob is doing right now, im hearing a soft growl coming from the crisper drawer, im afraid that the egg rolls are getting hyped up on msg and are getting a little rowdy.

65. Do you wear overalls.

about as much as i wear my split crotch angora thong.

66. Do you think you are strong emotionally?

does that mean am i not afraid to cry in front of my father?

then probably yes, because i know what my emotions are, and i can handel them when i have to.