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Electronics Glossery: L

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




also see:

Mobile Electronics Glossary - L
Laser Diode - A semiconductor device which emits a laser beam.
LED - Light emitting diode.
Line Level - The standard preamplifier output level of a signal from an audio source other than a turntable. Usually between 100mV and 1V, but may be as high as 5V or more from some preamplifiers.
Linearity Error - The deviation in response from an expected or theoretical straight line value for instruments and transducers (speakers).
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) - A type of digital display made of a material that changes reflectance or transmittance when an electrical field is applied to it.
Load - The electrical demand of a process, expressed in current (amps), power (watts), or resistance (ohms).
Local / Distance Switch - Changes the sensitivity of the tuner. When switched to local (LO), the stronger local stations are received with a higher image rejection. When switched to distance (DX), the weaker, distant stations are received but with less image rejection.
Loudness Control - Intended to boost low frequencies at lower volume levels and should not be used at high volume listening levels.
Loudspeaker - An electro acoustic transducer which converts electrical audio signals at its input to audible waves at it's output. May also refer to a given driver of a multiple speaker system and not to the whole speaker system as might a speaker.
Loudspeaker Compliance - The acoustical and mechanical equivalent of capacitance. Determines how easily a speaker cone/ voice coil assembly will move when an electrical signal is applied to it.
Low Frequency Driver - A loudspeaker specifically designed to reproduce long, low-frequency wave lengths. The driver typically has a large cone, magnet structure, and voice coil. Woofer.
Low Pass Filter - A network of elements used to attenuate all frequencies above a predetermined frequency. Frequencies below the cutoff point pass without any effect.
Lows - Term which refers to a set of speaker components used to reproduce frequencies below 500 Hz as in a set of woofers. May also refer to the low frequency drivers of a set of separates. Not treble.

Created: __/__/03
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