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          LAPTOPsales, repair & maintenance











Text Box:

            Consider the convenience of having your

LAPTOP units repaired ON-THE-SPOT.


          It’s our business to see that you get the

most reliable & punctual way to provide

an efficient and effective service.  From

The technical service oriented companies which offers the lowest price volume discounts & superior support & service.  We supply memory, hdd, fdd, cd-rom, dvd & combo drives for the most popular brand of LAPTOPS.  Other products we supply include PCMCIA, modem, all kinds of A/C adapters and laptop storage devices.  Services like battery repacking & replacements, repainting covers & reconstruction of broken hinges are also offered.

our experience from our clients in some

similar situations, we adopted this new

way of handling your units being done,

WHILE – U – WAIT or same day service

repair.  We provide service for almost

all brands, parts and peripherals at a

Explosion 2:   Big sale  
        on    LAPTOPS
very competitive price.