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Image Gallery: Chaotic Century Characters
Welcome to the Image Scans Gallery of Zoids Eve. Some of the Scans belong to me and some belong to a very good site: Red River Base. If you would like to take these Images Please Ask Red River Base's Webmaster and Me Before you Take Them. You Do Not Have Permission to Steal These Scans. ( = Updated)
Character # of Scans Character # Of Scans
1. Van (68 Scans)  12. Raven (8 Scans) 
2. Fiona (30 Scans) 13. Minister Prozan (12 Scans) 
3. Moonbay (8 Scans)  14. Major Shoobaultz (2 Scans) 
4. Irvine (49 Scans)  15. Major Marcus (1 Scan)
5. Shadow/Zeke (21 Scans)  16. Colonel Kruegar (4 Scans)
6. D. Alka-Velno Gang (34 Scans) 17. Major Ford (1 Scan)
7. Captain Herman  (2 Scans) 18. Dr. D (6 Scans)
8. Lt. O'Connel (1 Scan) 19. Crown Prince Rudolph (15 Scans) 
9. Krossbow Brothers (Coming Soon) 20. Metelnick and Co. (Coming Soon)
10. The Three Guards (Coming Soon) 21. Stinger (Coming Soon)
11. Captain Sephers (Coming Soon) 22. McMahon (Coming Soon)

Image Gallery: Chaotic Century Characters (Group)
Group # of Scans Group # of Scans
1. Van and Company  (25 Scans)  6. Raven and Prozan (Coming Soon)
2. Irvine and Moonbay (Coming Soon) 7. Prozan and Company (Coming Soon)
3. Herman/O'Connel (Coming Soon) 8. Stinger/Krossbow (Coming Soon)
4. Shadow/Zeke (Coming Soon) 9. 1st Panzer Division (Coming Soon)
5. President and Prozan (Coming Soon) 10. Other Random Scans (Coming Soon)