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Again I Go UnNoticed

They sat in the spacious living room of their beautiful home. Watching television, silently. Neither paying attention to what was on. He laid, stretched out on the couch, watching her. She sat, balled up in the large arm chair. Gazing into space.

So quiet, another wasted night.
The television steals the conversation.

He exhaled loudly, hoping to draw her attention to him. She shifts position slightly, but still does not look his way.

Exhale, another wasted breath
again it goes unnoticed.

"Honey, are you feeling okay?" He asks quietly, she turns and looks at him surprised.

Nodding, she replies, "I'm just tired."

please tell me your just feeling tired
cause if its more than that I feel that I might break,
Out of touch, out of time.

"I'm glad your okay." He says, cooly. She looks at him, studying briefly before rolling her blue eyes, and sighing.

Please send me anything but signals that are mixed
cause I can't stand your rolling eyes.
Out of touch are we out of time?

She stands and walks over to him. Stretching, she yawns. "I'm tired. I'm going to head up to bed." She says, bending over giving him a closed mouth kiss. The kiss lacked passion. Passion they had, had no more than a month ago.

Close lipped, another good night kiss
is robbed of all its passion.

He watches her retreating form, slowly walking up the stairs to their room. His heart is heavy and void. He felt none of the heat, and lust as he used to.

your grip, another time is slack
it leaves me feeling empty.

He turns the television off, and sits in the darkness. Wondering what action he should take towards her cool attitude. He had no idea what was wrong with her. Suddenly, she just seemed so lifeless.

please tell me your just feeling tired
cause if its more than that I feel that I might break,
Out of touch, out of time.

Please send me anything but signals that are mixed
cause I can't read your rolling eyes.
Out of touch are we out of time?

He decided to just go to bed, and figure things out in the morning. Things always looked better in the daylight.

I waited till tomorrow
maybe you'll be better then, maybe we'll be better then.

Climbing the stairs slower than she did, he realized he dreaded going into the bedroom. He dreaded climbing into the bed with her, knowing they would both retreat to their respective sides of the bed. Not touching, no-where close to each other.

so what's another day?
when I can't bare these nights of thought of going on without you?

As he opened the door, he saw the bathroom light on. She was lying still in bed. The yellow comforter pulled up to her waist. He smiled at her, trying to convince himself that whatever was wrong was just temporary.

This mood of yours is temporary
It seems worth the wait to you smile again.

She opened her eye just a little. Watching him as he stripped to his boxers, out of the corner of her eye she watched as he looked at her. Worry lines at the corners of his mouth, which usually held a beautiful smile.

out of the corner of my eye
will be the only way your looking at me then.

Not wanting to sleep just yet, he turned on the small television, and turned the sound down low.

So quite, another wasted night.
The television steals the conversation.

Just as she was about to speak, he turned the television on, and the moment was gone. She rolled over and exhaled loudly. He didn't notice it.

Exhale, another wasted breath
again it goes unnoticed

"Again I Go UnNoticed"; Dashboard Confessional

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