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.The.x.Girl. .The.x.Sound. .The.x.Image. .The.x.Poems. .The.x.Notebook.



I never knew,
How much power typed words could hold,
Until they came from you.
I never would have guessed,
Life would lead me this way.
Slowly, but soon together.

Individually, we are already defined;
Labels carved deep.
But someday, I only hope,
The labels can be broken-
And meshed together.
Slowly, but soon together.

The warmth of a hand,
The taste of a single kiss,
It's all only the beginning of a story.
A drawn out introduction-
To something, special, exciting, new.
Slowly, but soon together.

My hand is out stretched to you,
Take it, if it's what you want.
And we can start an adventure,
A new chapter.
Not alone, and maybe still slow,
But finally together.

No one will understand,
The truth is only known,
By us together.

Stupid Girl

Stop all of this,
you stupid little girl.
These unanswered questions,
the constant stream of memories,
are nothing but useless.

He wants nothing from you,
and what you want from him. . .
Well, that doesn't matter anymore.

This is futile.
Your whining has outlived it's acceptance,
it's just an annoyance.
Can't you think of anything else?

Get up from that pathetic stance
and stop your crying.
It's disgusting,
the power he has
when he doesn't even care.

He wants nothing from you.
It's time to accept, little girl.
The life you want
(a life you claim to have had)
doesn't exist anymore.

When did you become so young?


Emotions running through my brain
and I am feeling the tears coming
I have no reason to cry
but I want to so bad
I don't understand
why I feel so sad
my heart is beating rapidly
my face is red,
and I can feel the heat rising
like everyone is staring at me
and I can't hold it in any longer
and then the tears roll down my face
I try to wipe them off
but they keep coming back
I can't concentrate
I can't stop
I just cry.

She does her make-up perfect
her hair flawless in everyway
but why can't this cover up the pain
that haunts her everyday

Looks can definatly deceive
she disguises her anguish from the worlds prying eyes
in hopes of forgetting all the empty promises
and horrible, unforgiving lies.

God had given her beauty
but she was sure it didn't show
she felt ugly on the inside and out
there was no where for her to go

Distorted images run through her mind
as she sits alone trying to drown out her sorrows
silently praying
that it will all somehow be different tomorrow

She keeps everything
bottled up inside
all her insecurities and fears
shes learned to hide

They Looked Down

I once thought I could act
and live through the stage,
but the world said I was too ordinary.
They looked down
and fed me statistics,
told me there were too many others.
I believed them
and let the dream escape.

I once thought I could write,
but the world said I was too boring,
Lacking a story good enough to share.
They looked down,
laughed at my attempts,
and told me to take a class.
I believed them
and stopped my endless search for words.

I once thought I could love
and have someone to entangle my arms with,
while whispering nervous words.
But the world said I was too young,
unable to understand.
They looked down
and told me to wait a few years.
I tried not to believe them,
until I realized
that everything I thought I knew about love
was a lie.

We Both Know It

I cant believe it's over
I've finally lost you
And it cant be fixed
We both know it

Our love has been overlived
And it cant come back alive
It's dead forever
We both know it

We now say goodbye
Erasing the memories
Forgetting everything we once had
We both know it

Although I will be avid to try
I will never be able to delete you
From my heart