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Here are some questions and answers!

Ali G WSMassives asks: why is the size of me johnny bigger than my mate dave's johnny??
BoB says: The only reason I can think of that would cause yer johnny to be bigger than yer mate's johnny is genetics? I remember hearing something about that in my two years of bio with Morago. Best science teacher ever. Either that, or yer method of ... dare I say.... Jacking off, is what some would consider life changing?

TonyLovatoISmyHO asks: why am i so lame?
BoB says:You are "lame" because of yer complete failure to keep up with modern trends. Simple as that! Maybe it's the people you hang out with. And you don't quite fit to their standards.

NurseSindy asks: My specialty is orthopedics..have you ever broken a bone?
BoB says: So many. I'm highly accident prone.

NurseSindy asks: what should I have done when I was laying on the ground with the bone sticking through my jeans?
BoB says: Scream like a little baby! Hopefully someone would have heard you and helped. SUCK IT UP! BE PUNK ROCK! GET YER ASS UP! WALK IT OFF! What the fuck do you think you should do when yo ucan see your bone????

XZeroSlayerX asks: a friend has just lost his mother and im tring to bring him back to the real world( just to give you some info he also lost a father ) so what can i do to help this ass out???
BoB says: I am not sure how to tel you completely how to help your friend. It may be something that they feel they need to take alone, or they may be reaching for help. Either way, it is a very good thing for you to let him know that you are going to be there for him. Sometimes it's all you can do.

XZeroSlayerX asks: i'm an artist and im tring to put a portfolio together and well...i just can't muster up the strength to draw and when i do just garbage comes out and i m getting a little scared cus ive got a dead line to hit. 
BoB says: Don't forget that you are your hardest critic. I don't know how your selfesteem levels are, but if you aren't in the brightest shade of green you might not believe in yourself as much. Maybe if you sit around for a couple hours (I don't know your schedule and how that would work) and just do whatever you like, listen to music, enjoy nature (hey, there are people who like it!) and whatnot, just draw, see what comes out. Are there any other art forms that you would be intersted in sticking in a portfolio? Finger painting? Rolling marbles through paint on a piece of paper in a box, or maybe a point and shoot camera.

Flaw In Reality asks: what do i do if i have i have a bum leg and find myself stuck in my bed hungry for corn pops?
BoB says: Hungry for corn pops and stuck in bed with a bumm leg? Ouch. Fucking suck it up and go get the damned corn pops! Easy as that. Or go hungry. Or scream until someone finds you. Quite a simple task when you think about it.

STAB ME AGAlN asks: why does lint collect in bellybuttons?
BoB says: THE LINT QUESTION! I ask myself that all the time!!! It doesn't get clean enough. When you wash yer clothes they get some lint on them, and some of yer shirt rubs on the belly button and lint gets in there. Also, it is really hard to make sure that you got in there clean, with the soap and everything. Face it, there is some nasty shit living in our bellybuttons!