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The Artwork of Samuel K. Fuck

.- Oekaki -.

SamFuckHappy.png - Me being the happy little fellow I am.
SammyManpurse.png - Me and my manly manpurse.
JumpForJoy_.png - I only wish I could jump like this.
60.png - The honorable Mayor Quagmire Poopus.

.- On Paper _.

SammySit.JPG - Me sittin' around... bein' a loaf.
SammyManpurse.JPG - Remake of me and my namly manpurse on paper.
KojiNoHandPissed.JPG - Kojiro Tanaka (my RPG character) wearing a gauntlet that will put his missing hand back.
KojiNewCoat.JPG - Kojiro wearing his new coat.
KojiAxe.JPG - Kojiro and his big scary axe thing.

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