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Name: Jim

Age: 18

Birthday: 9.11.84

Music: The Early November. Avenged Sevenfold. Glassjaw. Norma Jean. Living Sacrifice. Unearth. Hopesfall. Thursday. Bane. New End Original. Underoath. Tool. The Killing Tree. Saves the Day. Atreyu. NFG. Suicide Note. Cave In. Remembering Never. Finch. A Jealousy Issue. Poison the Well. Refused. Dead Poetic. From Autumn to Ashes. The Used. Since By Man. 

Likes: girls, music, bass guitar, my pony skadadles, kittens, sleeping, and rocking out.

Not-likes: microwaved fish, icy roads, holey socks, alarm clocks, animal hair, mold


AiM: Jimxcore




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