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5/28/03- We're playing shows May 30th and May 31st. Check out the shows page to find out.

Well, it's a new year, and we just played a show yesterday, which was good. we're still looking for another singer, and another guitarist,. so let us know if you, or anyone you know is good at either of those.

Hmm,. well, here's the news. Forget what we said in the previous news brief thing. We are still looking for another guitarist, and perhaps another vocalist still to add,. we're still playing the battle of the bands this Saturday, so show up! We need your support! thanks.

Ahh, an update. We finally put some pictures on here. They're from Anna's birthday party. Good times. We also played at the Evolution, which was pretty nice also. We opened for Anthem, and some other bands.

We're unofficially, as of now, adding Sean Grimes as another guitarist, and are looking for a person that has a good scream. We have some strong interests, but if you think you'd want to, let us know.

So, because we're changing so much around, we might not be playing any shows within the next couple weeks or so, but we might, so we'll let you all know either way.
