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Wow! Finally I'm home, but just for a little while. I want to apologize to Rem. Hey gurl I got a message saying that someone called me. My gradmother really didn't knew who she was, but I guess it must be you. I'm sorry but is because I have so much to do. I'm working on a play and I'm going to be on every show. Tomorrow there's one @ 9am and on Friday we have 2 shows, one in the morning and the other one at 8pm. So as you can see I'm kind of full, sorry again... Also I just finished my first collection of poems and they are now gather on what we can call my first book. Last night I along with my aunt were working on the cover. I'm so happy! It's called OASIS. They are in spanish, but I'm hoping that soon I can do the english one, I can't wait. I'm working on achieving my dreams. Another thing I'm considering going back to dancing, it's been a little while since the divorce of my parents, that I said is enought and I'm going back. Well I gotta change, I have to go to the gym, thanks for stoping by... Laters

ChErYl MaRiE @ JuNe 19 | 4:07pm

Hey guys, guess who's back? Miss me? I hope! Anyways I'm back and feeling a bit better. So my grandmother told me today I'm going to the dentist next Monday. Another step closer to get my mouth wired, ha ha. Anywho... Hi Rem, Hi Trinnah, long time no seen. I hope you gurls are doing a-ok. Hi Pier, thanks for always comming by, what do you think of the book idea? Well I have to work on something now, see ya. Laters...

ChErYl MaRiE @ JuNe 17 | 1:51pm

Hey what's up? Well I'll be on hiatus for a week... I'm sorry. This week-end I'm going to my dad's and from Monday I'll be out of town, I just wanted to let you know. I have to regain my thoughts, I've been feeling a bit down lately. I tried everything, but nothing seems to work, so before I go more insane than I am, I'm going to this place were there's a beach and a beach volleyball court, maybe I can loose my thoughts there and regain my strength. I've been doing a lot of thinking and writing, I decided to put the my book online, 'Secrets Of A Young Soul' for those who would like to visit it, thou is still under construction, but to take a preview of what's coming; you can go to Btw, before I forget, thanks Rem for calling me yesterday, it was great to finally hear you. Well it's been one heck of a week! I'll tell you that... Well I guess this is it, I'll see you around. Be safe & God bless... Laters

ChErYl MaRiE @ JuNe 7 | 4:01pm

Hey ppl! So I was around the net and saw the things that are going around in Ohnofansite, I can't believe how immature some ppl can be. (Don't worry Rem & Trin, I have your back). So in another thing, just a few minutes ago I checked my mail and to my surprise, I got a letter from Apolo himself! (Yeah it sounds surreal, but is the truth!) I never in my wildest dreams would've expected that, not at all, this one is going in my scrapbook. Ok [Breaths in] now I know (just a little bit) how Rem must've felt when he called (Right Rem?, remember to breath) Well I'm going to be around, take care ya'll. Much love...

ChErYl MaRiE @ JuNe 5 | 11:28am

Hello ppl! So I was working on my next year's schedule when my grandmother hand me a letter that came in the mail today. I opened and it said that I was nominated as Poet of the Year for 2002. Is official, it will take place in Washington DC, during the 2002 International Society of Poets Convention and Symposium. There I will be formally inducted as an International Poet of Merit and Honored Member of the Society of Poets. I know, this all sounds very exciting, is like saying 'hey girl you are nominated for a Grammy'. Well we'll see what happens. [Breaths In] Ok I'm back. So how's everyone? Well me I'm working on the 'book' and well after this my head is pretty scrambled, so I don't know, maybe I'll get it straight after a few days. Well I'll be around the net. Laters... Much love ^_^

ChErYl MaRiE @ JuNe 4 | 10:58am

Hey Peeps! What's going on? Well here's my week-end recap: On Sat. I was out all day, so I couldn't get online and yesterday, Sunday, I was in the cleaning mode. I cleaned my closet, a few other things including organizing the little storage room we have on our house. Well it's been tiring, buy I guess I'm back on the path. So on Saturday I got Remynelle's letter, I was so happy to hear from her, hi ya' gurl. I also talked to my ENGL professor, she's great. About the book? Well is comming out great (I think) is a lot of work, but I know that once is over it would be worth while. Well I'll be around, Laters... Much love

ChErYl MaRiE @ JuNe 3 | 3:26pm

Ok my life is the weirdest, I just came from seeing Jason X, even thou my uncle told me we couldn't make it. Well I went to the gym and got home on time, so I guess it was meant to be. Hi Rem!!!! So I'm here thinking so many things. While my uncle and I waited for the movie to start, we talked about all the stuff that I do, and I'm going to do this. I have many stories that I write (serious writing), lyrics, poems and essays, what I'm going to do is create this 'book' of my own and create some kind of demo of my songs and the 'book'. The tittle of the book might be: Secrets of a Young Soul. It will contain poems on English & Spanish and maybe a few on French. It will also have my songs (lyrics), stories and the essay, which are about free topics. He said that it would be a great idea. Also I've created a few drawings, maybe I'll add those in there too. I'm right now making a little outline of the things I can put there. Also I might add there a sort of Sci-Fi script I'm working on, it might be interesting to see how it turns out. I want to thank Pier who indirectly made me realized I can do this... Love ya girl tons!!!!!

ChErYl MaRiE @ 10:04pm


OMG the Tagboard got stolen!!!!!! (ha ha) Is still here ppl, only that it has its own place. Go check it out, its even upgraded. Oh well have fun ya'll :)

ChErYl MaRiE @ 4:40pm


So other plans were made and me always last to know, I'm not going to see Jason, 'cuz I won't get home on time, I'm going to the gym and I'll be back @ 7, the movie is @ 7:20pm, but is ok, I guess... There's always tomorrow. So I added a few fairies on my scrapbook they look really cool. I saw on the Ohnofansite the blog block, is good to see Aissa back. So I got my date to enroll in my new classes next year, I have to go June 10, that day I go directly from the University, out of town and I won't be back until a few days, but I still don't know officially how is it going to be, I hope they tell me soon. Bright side of it? it has a pool and a beach.

ChErYl MaRiE @ 4:00pm


So here I am, I added the songs from yesterday & 2 of today. I also wrote something in my diary, if something more I'll keep you posted. Oh! tonight I'm going to see Jason X...

ChErYl MaRiE @ 12:18pm


Wow today is the end of May! Hello! So what's going on?, Me? not much, I'm tired. The work-out I'm running is taking me, but I know is all good. I'm thinking of how my next layout will be (I have a pretty hunky idea, ha ha)... I'll blog later.

PS- An early Happy B-Day wish goes to you Angie.

ChErYl MaRiE @ MaY 31 | 10:30am

Hey gang! So I finally got some sleep (@ 3am) yeah I know I haven't slept a thing. I woke up @ 7am, can you believe that? I already did my dailies, I checked Rem's page (Hi ya gurl!), I check Trinnah's Ohnofansite, I updated my AAO Studio and I'm woking now on this one. Miss Universe was the talk of the day Yesterday, since it was hosted here in Puerto Rico. It was too bad that Miss USA and Miss Puerto Rico didn't make it into the top 10, well there's always next year. I must say the stage special effects were awesome! (that has been the main reason that kept me for watching the show). For some reason I can't think straight, my head is kind'f scrambled up, I don't know what's up with me, I hope it gets better soon! So the NETS won, CELTICS lost (I'm sorry to hear that Rem). So I'm here watching tv and in a few minutes maybe I'll watch Ocean's Eleven (the movie of the hunks, ha ha). Today @ 10:29am is Ground Zero: The Last Day, I wish I could be there. All will be remembered...
Well I'll be working on the site, I hope I can blog later in the day. Much love everyone & God bless

ChErYl MaRiE @ MaY 30 | 10:04am

Hey people! well I hope you like my new layout, is called 'One day I'll Fly Away...' is from the movie Moulin Rouge. (C'est Tres Magnifique!) Anyways I'm working on a few ideas I hope that tomorrow I can put something more. If you noticed on the entrance there is a quote, well it changes everytime that page in particular is refreshed. The quotes are from the movie. Well I'll talk to you guys later.

ChErYl MaRiE @ MaY 29 | 4:38pm

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