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dark prince
The first dark book the story is set and we meet the bad guys. On one hand there is a group of Assassins intent on killing Vampires and instead being manipulated by Vampires to kill innocent Carpathians. On the other hand we have Vampires who used to be Carpathians and can't get it through their head that there is no hope for them.
Here are the baddies we met this time around...

The Vampire

Andre-vampire who was perpetuated the vampire myths. Established blood bond with humans to give them orders. Wanted Raven for his lifemate. Killed by Mikhail was a Carpathian who turned. Aidan fought with him against vampires. Andre was half a century younger than Aidan.
The Society of Assassins

Eugene Slovensky
Hungarian dark haired leader of Secret Society of assassins in the area that hunts Vampires or anything that looks like one. Recruits, confirms and records kills. Stayed at the inn awhile
James Slovensky
Eugene’s brother light haired captured Raven & Father Hummer under Andre’s orders. Killed by Mikhail.
Margaret Summers
Harry’s wife, were staying at the inn. Thinks that she is hunting vampires for the good of the world. A psychic who at first does not believe that Mikhail is a vampire. Died in the rage that followed when Raven was hurt by Jacob.
Harry Summers
about seventy gray hair with a thin mustache. Margaret’s husband in society died in the rage that followed when Raven was hurt by Jacob.

Raul Romanov
was demented as an old man vicious as a young one. Mikhail stopped him once from hitting a girl. From that moment he watched Mikhail and passed his suspicions onto Hans
Hans Romanov
in the society an assassin killed his wife Heidi. Hans was convinced that Mikhail was a young man when his father was. Infected by his fathers fanaticism. Died in the rage that followed when Raven was hurt.
Rudy Romanov
early twenties son of Hans found his father’s proof sent it to others. Believed that Mikhail had turned raven into a vampire. Tried to burn them. Gregori took his blood and he and Mikhail left him at a mental hospital.
Anton Fabrezo
- Muscle man of secret society was staying at the inn where Raven was killed by Mikhail. Investigates and marks victims for kills Dieter Hodkins- Believed in vampires and thought it was his holy duty to kill them investigates and marks victims for kills. Killed by Mikhail.
Kurt Von Halen
part of the society expert who investigates and marks victims for kills. Jacob Evans-At first has a crush on Raven but when he thinks she had become a vampire he brutally stabs her. Killed by his own hand through Mikhail’s mind control.


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