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dark prince
25 years have passed and this time the vampire is a Rand. The Bad guys however we met already in Dark Prince. Rand has studied the black arts and they've already killed many Carpathians as well as tried to kill Jacques by torturing him.

The Vampire

Rand(Vulture)- was sent to sleep and woke when his true lifemate Maggie chose death. Instead of following her he became the undead. He rose earlier than others thought and used humans to trap Carpathians and kill them. Killed by Jacques
The Society of Assassins

Eugene Slovensky
We meet Eugene again and he's a lot more evil than before. Finding his brother dead has motivated him even more to kill the undead. He's a pawn of Rands but doesn't know it. Killed by Gregori through Shea
Don Wallace
Eugene’s nephew we meet him briefly last book when he was fifteen. Now an evil man who enjoys killing and raping helpless women. Killed By Jacques through Shea.
Jeff Smith
Another member he is weak but also evil. He lets himself be carried away by there evil. Killed by Jacques.

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